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Gonna aim for the IFBB

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I’ve given it some real hard thought and finally decided that I’m going get my stuff together and start competing with the end goal obviously to get my pro card… really just wanna prove to myself that I can do it so gonna start laying down the foundation and build myself up so here we go!
Bodybuilding, men’s physique, or classic ?
Classic… currently 209 at 6’4 22 years old. Gonna give myself 4 years and aim for about 7lbs a year maybe unrealistic but that’s what I’m aiming for. Don’t know exactly what body fat percentage is at the moment but from when I’ve had it measured in the past I’m about 10%. I would only get this lean and stay here because I used to rave a lot but stopped all that shit so time to buckle down. Even if I come close to that I’m good and will add from there.
Good luck. It takes a mind and heart of dedication. The training I can do. But the diet and meal prep. I don’t know how @PHD does it. I last a week then go to shit. Beer, hot wings. Pizza. Beer. I’m god during the work week but absolutely destroy myself every weekend. 😂. Good luck. Hope to see your progress.
Hahaha it’s not that you can’t do it bro it’s just not your goal. If you set your mind to it I’m sure you could. Hell im in offseason and still follow my plan to the T only allow a cheat meal on Saturday. It’s definitely a lifestyle you have to live say in day our week in week out month in month out year in year out lol. Takes a lot of hard work and commitment. I’ve been competing since 06 and have come close to turning pro but no card yet. Competition on that level is insanely good
Your last show should have got you a card… Still can’t believe you took 3rd. Should have been 2nd at minimum. And you know that! First was a coin flip. it was literally down to a few minor differences. You got it next time. Hell I’ll go down and beat a motherfucker if you don’t. 😂
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Hahahahaha thanks bro. John has the plan in motion. I trained yesterday with one of his top coaches. Fucking destroyed chest and shoulders
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Good luck bro. Great to have goals. I have mad respect for the ultra committed guys like PHD. I seem to only get diet on point when my blood work is crap so it’s eat well or die☺
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