SB Labs

Good morning,diets and lifting today

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I was .3 ml which was about my max. Anything over that I started getting to be an asshole. More than normal. So max for me was 30mg every day 3 hours PWO.
The willingness was there on my part lol Thanks @TBU I really appreciate your input may safe someones life and @John thank you for saying please I appreciate that brother, that’s unlike you big dawg!
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Absolutely bro, it’s a great thing to strive for improvement Even on an emotional level and not just physical. I’ve really been practicing being vulnerable with my wife instead of closed up and angry all the time I don’t want to live like that. I want my outside to be a reflection only how I’m doing inside. See a year ago I wouldn’t be saying corny shit like that lol keep up the good work bro your child and wife will reap the rewards. ✌️
I am literally an workin on the same thing with my therapist,I havent actually started stuff yet but I will soon, being vulnerable with her,and communicating with her,showing affection I really have trouble with,mainly because I dont like/want it,I dont like being touched,I dont like anyone in my personal space,I have problems when I’m sitting next to someone and they move and I flinch and tense up,I cant help it.
Yeah Im going through the same stuff to bro and I’m seeing progress, and I’m actually talking to her about shit instead of shutting down and being upset. I was just never taught how to act in those situation to me it was seen as weakness but that’s all part of the male role Belief System that society has designed to create killing machines that feel no emotions. It’s never to late to learn. The shit isn’t easy but is rewarding. Keep it up I look forward to seeing your growth.
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