SB Labs

Good morning my beautiful assholes

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Staff member
Military Vet
So I took off a work to hunt today, as my season draws to a close, that need to fill my tags pulls me,and fill the freezer. First off my mini breakfast was 6 hard boiled eggs, minus the yolk, water and grapes, once I get back home I’m making Crepes, I use homemade strawberry preserves as my filling, along with more fruit n water. I will sneak in some Bi’s before going out again, Preacher curls, and Hammers.Enjoy your day motherfuckers and make the most of it.
Here’s a pic of my boy
He’s ridiculous he will lay there awhile while they thing is cranking right next to it I’d melt in a puddle a sweat, he loves it.
Our new family member has destroyed everything from my shoes to his bed to the side of the house to everything he can chew on he is his teething they said check out my new camera

Trying out the cellular one. So John buddy you check your email again
You gotta get a newspaper roll it up or anything magazine just something you can roll up and hit him don’t beat him but smack him with so he gets the point your not happy. If you leave that item where he can see it when you leave he will remember not to mess with whatever its near that’s how I have always house trained my dogs they figure out quickly that they will get that ass whooped by that piece of paper.

Just make sure that they get rewarded also for good behavior and they get it pretty quickly.
I’ve had some hard headed dogs that weren’t the brightest bulbs that take a bit longer
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