Hey everyone! I unfortunately have to come off gear much earlier than I expected. I was running gear from iron junkie and symbiotic labs. Sustanon, npp, And winstrol! I was seeing some good gains from them. I’m currently 6 weeks in and planning to come off this week. Normally, I’d be upset at the fact, to come off gear unexpectedly, but it’s for a great reason. I was finally able to get the chance in a lifetime, to get surgery for my gynecomastia. I been having gyno way before I started using gear. I started noticing the gyno appear at the age of 14-15. I thought working out would make the gyno go away( one of the reasons I started to workout in the first place) , until I came across forums and learned what gyno actually was. While using gear, I still used arimidex, nolvadex, aromasin and cabergoline. I actually saw a slight decrease with my current gyno situation over the time I was using gear. I’m officially 15 days out pre opp.
I’m so ready to get this over with. Although I’m coming off gear early, I’m actually happier than ever. I’m going to keep you guys updated!
Any suggestions you guys have after the surgery to try to maintain muscle. It’s usually 4 weeks off the gym.
I’m so ready to get this over with. Although I’m coming off gear early, I’m actually happier than ever. I’m going to keep you guys updated!
Any suggestions you guys have after the surgery to try to maintain muscle. It’s usually 4 weeks off the gym.