Hi everyone,today's edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good Sunday morning to all.My wife has covid.My daughter and I are goin to get the Christmas tree soon,there’s no coffee in the house.Breakfast was scrambled eggs,toast,turkey bacon,fruit salad,water n apples juice.Hope everyone’s weekend is good.
Oh crap. Hope the mrs is ok. Usual grub. Piddling around here today
So far it’s just a bad version of a normal cold and cough
No coffee! That is the real crisis! Just got doing back workout going to eat pancakes with 😩 sugar free maple syrup. Putting my tree up today and probably getting snow blower ready.

@John hope the your wife feels better soon
If I don’t have my coffee I get crabby and headaches. Hope the wife recovers fast. Have fun getting tree
Hit chest pretty good. Had 6 eggs and 3 pieces of wheat toast. Glad works kinda dwindling down a bit and not as hard. Will have more time to be back on here and communicate again! Was working 10s and 12s 6 days a week working through every break and lunch til a week ago 😩😩

Hope the wife gets better tho! :pray:t2:
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Don’t get pills. All studies I saw were on injectable. I keep stocked on zpacks, prednisone and zinc. Need to find some ivermectin but hard since not used here.

Well having a plan at the moment is to late,I’m not worried about gettin it,but I will start having at least gluthoniane on hand
I think everyone is eventually going to get it at least a few times. They have too much money to make and profit from the viruses now.
For what it’s worth. The injectable glutathione is like water. Nothing like oils.
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