So this blows. A month and half ago my shoulder started hurting. Nothing major. Didn’t stop me. Then our gyms closed for three weeks. Even though mine stayed open, I figured this was a good excuse to rest it and see what happens. Well it didn’t get better. Not worse. But not better. Started back this week and it wasn’t bad. Today I was racking and cabling servers and it popped so many times that now I can’t even lift it without stabbing pain. It’s weird cause it’s more like at the top of my bicep, towards the outside between the delt and bicep. It’s definitely a rubber band type pull and snap. And to top it off, I was set for my first cycle in a long time to begin next month. Doctors appt tomorrow morning. Has anyone had similar pain/issues? I feel like I had this many years ago and it was solved with a cortisone shot in the other shoulder