Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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Good start to the weekend! Put together my daughters remote control car for her first birthday next week! She’s not my blood but I’ve been seeing her mother since she was 2 months old and the real dad has never been in her life so I decided If he didn’t want her I would take her as my own and step up to the plate. And it’s been the best 8 months of my life watching her grow
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Way to step up… I am in that similar position,I’ve been with my wife 6 years,married for 2 of those 6,and my daughter has a turd for a biological father,she just turned 10 and I’ve been her dad since she was 4
You guys are doing great. Unfortunately there’s folks (moms and dads) that throw away children all the time.

Giving the little guys/gals a fighting chance is the right thing to do. A strong male role model is golden.
Man idk how anyone could do that. But it’s fine with me cause now she’s my little girl and I’ll do whatever I have to, to protect and provide for her :muscle:t3:
Just got off lawnmower…had future son in law come help me move some heavy stuff. Just ate lunch. Now I’m relaxing a bit.
Nice, make him put in that work,he owes you, that’s how I look at it
My wife and I dont fuck around, we already left the house after the game to do some trout fishing and brought the dogs with us,I will send a pic shortly…
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