How accurate are the inbody scan machines?

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Boss you look good to me keep up the work I see traps sticking up if you got stretch marks under your pits your getting wider and thicker. I have gotten bf done In a dunk tank. I felt like it was fairly accurate i done it before and after dropping a good 40 lbs it took me from 29% to. 22% I have no idea what I am now better shape than then but I weigh more too. They gave me a lot of info like resting matabolism rate caloric intake and burned calories for a lot of different types of exercise I could use these numbers with my fitness pal and get good results
Don’t rush being big be smart and you will be big and lean that’s a damn good look I work/ work out with some BB and powerlifting competitors they blow my doors off you you what they do different the food/ training it ain’t the juice FOOD FOOD FOOD at the right time, the right kind, they cook it all fresh weigh it all out no sugar straight water no crystal light. Something else I have learned of late is they are super big on Gut health. They spend more money on food and gut health than AAS. And that ain’t no joke people can believe what they want but that’s the key FOOD. You are what you eat that’s why im a… oh I’ll get it murph 😁 when I get a chance I’m going to post up some things I’m learning on gut health LIIBS and SIIBS. From the amounts of food they eat and what they do beginners should start with getting their diet clean after that worry about portions then preservatives and sugars hidden in food as you progress you go into macros then macros vs calories and the foods that you get the best bang for the buck
All vegetables raw and no Im not shitting but you will be I promise that bloat people where they look pregnant but have a six pack abs that’s what it is
Damn I have a lot to learn hahha I try really hard to figure out my macros and stuff and I eat super clean!
One thing i can say is don’t try to do it all at once do a little at a time one small change can be 10lbs start reading the back of your food if it doesn’t say what it is and nothing else maybe water and salt Then do not eat it. Let us know what you find seriously!! I know I joke but read the labels and look some of it up you be like wtf!
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