How does this sound for my first cycle?


I’m looking at doing an 8 week cycle

Monday 150mg test en, 10mg tbol
Tuesday 10mg tbol
wed 10mg tbol
Thur 150mg test en, 10 tbl
friday 10mg tbl
sat 10mg tbl
Sunday 150mg 10mg tbl​

Monday 10mg tbl
Tue 10mg tbl
Wed 300mg 10mg tbl
thur 10 mg tbl
friday 10mg tbl
saturday 300mg test en, 10mg tbl
sunday 10mg tbl​

Monday 10mg tbl
Tue 300mg test en 10mg tbl
Wed 10mg tbl
thu 10mg tbl
friday 300mg test en 10tbl
saturday 10mg tbl
Sunday 10mg tbl​

Monday 300mg test en 10mg tbl
Tue 10mg tbl
Wed 10mg tbl
Thu 300mg test en 10mg tbl
Fri 10mg tbl
Sat 10mg tbl
Sunday 300mg test en 10mg tbl​

Then I’d repeat the next 4 weeks but swap tbol for anavar

How does it look? Any opinions?
I looked for some stats on you. Age. Height. Weight. Experience. Training. Diet. Couldn’t find anything. But. As a first cycle, I’d say search a few first cycle suggestions on here in different rooms. For me. I’d need a little more detail and stats on you. I think you’d be surprised what I would say for a first cycle depending on age and gym experience.
I’d suggest you do your test e jabs on the same days every week rather than the switching about as you’ve suggested. It’s your first cycle so keep things as straight forward as you can- the less fucking about the better. I’d just stick with Monday and Friday.
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What would happen if I did this same cycle but swapped out the test e for Deca? Someone suggested this and I wondered if anyone has done this ?
I believe that you should stick with this plan

Monday 150mg test en, 10mg tbol
Tuesday 10mg tbol
wed 10mg tbol
Thur 150mg test en, 10 tbl
friday 10mg tbl
sat 10mg tbl
Sunday 150mg 10mg tbl

Just change the tbol to this

Monday 150mg test en, 20-40mg split 2x a day
Tuesday tbol20-40mg split 2x a day
wed tbol20-40mg split 2x a day
Thur 150mg test en, tbl20-40mg split 2x a day
friday tbl20-40mg split 2x a day
sat tbl20-40mg split 2x a day
Sunday 150mg tbl20-40mg split 2x a day

Or you can just take the tbol preworkout if only using 20mg if using more split it up to help prevent side effects.
Just do 6wks of tbol or anavar it will work better for you especially with it built up in your system. Its better not to switch and stick with an easy solid plan.
Remember that your diet is really the most important thing so definitely research diet for your goals as much as you research using compounds.

Good luck and good gains brother
For a first stack, go just with Test E or Cyp, run about 400mg weekly…
Honestly get a feel for what you’re about to get in to…
If you go stupid with the first stack, what do you have to compare it to?
You won’t need much at all to grow on your first cycle.
I’m assuming the 10mg tbol is to lower SHBG?
I would keep the test at twice a week shots of 150mg. Don’t go up in dose. I’m growing on 300mg sustanon and I’ve been on gear for 24 years. I’m growing real well. I’m on 300mg sustanon and 150mg deca. I break it up into every other shots with a 27 gauge 1/2 inch insulin pin.
Why do you start at 150 test first week and then go to 300 all over the place?

I’d up the t bol
I’d run 200 Mon wed Fri or Tues Thurs sun
500- to 750 a week test
More isn’t always better. I grow on 200 a week trt while I cruise, and only cycle once per year. And when I do cycle I only do 600 a week with my trt and that is about 800 a week. I’ve never gone over 1000 a week
There’s no point in going above 300mg testosterone. Your body will grow like crazy if you eat enough good food. Higher doses just convert to estrogen and require AI’s. If I can grow on 300 sust/150 deca after 24 years on AAS, then you’ll blow up. Keep the dose low.