How does this sound for my first cycle?

From my experience I gain most from lower amounts. What I mean by this is yeah at the 600 mark I gain a lot fast but sides start coming hard so I tend to keep everything under 500, but that’s just me.
I drop 5 pounds or so when I cycle off. Could mostly be water. The thing I notice coming off cycle is the muscle hardness. While on. I feel that constant state of pumped. When off. After I work out I lose that pump in a few hours or so. But no real loss of my gains. Also notice muscle soreness stays longer. On test I recover in 24 -30 hours. Off. Sometimes stay sore for 36 hours or more depending on the workout.
You want to gain fast do a 4 week superdrol oral,I added 13 lbs. Then pct then go to a injectable, I’ve heard guys do it with d bol. Just an idea maybe not the best, but it’s a test run.
Before superdrol , also tpp npp


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