How was everyone’s Monday?

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I’ve been in the hospital a few times in my life and I honestly can remember 1 surgeon and no docs but I remember all the nurses that have ever helped me. I love nurses amd would do anything for them. I fucking hate docs
Wow. Just wow. I’m surprised they let it get that far. I believe they’re supposed to monitor the donor to prevent them from even hitting the floor.
I remember all the nurses from my ankle surgery caue they kept calling me aqua man. Large black woman love me
I have a story about that. Back when I was 39, I used AAS stupidly and irresponsibly, but it did blow me up quite a bit. I was commuting between two major metropolitan cities every Monday and Thursday by train. I missed my 6:00 am train one Monday morning and so had to go to the ticket booth to change my ticket to the next train. The rather ample black woman behind the counter then said: “HMMMMMM. Is that a Bowflex Body? Because if it is, I gotta get me one of those!” I think I actually blushed.
Hahaha. You know that’s what I love about this place. Be as you are bring and lay on the table your good with your bad. We can be transparent and don’t have to worry about what stupid fucks think. We have a good day celebration time share and encourage others. Have a shitty day let it out. Get support and sometimes good criticism.

But DOMS. Dam man. Haven’t had that in a long time. A little bit with certain new chest stuff but nothing like your talking. I wonder why that is.
Funny nurse story. I was talking to my doctor a bunch of years back about nutrition and out of nowhere this older black nurse said "honey, nothing white is good for you! I laughed then I saw the docs face and I almost pissed my pants. The doc was horrified. I assume the nurse was referring to bread and rice 😉
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