I think I know what I am doing but....... M

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I just started a Deca/ tren e/ test e/ DHB cycle with injectable L Carnitine and injectable L Arginine added. I’m aware of the Prolactin and Progesterone issues however my question is how to ameliorate the bloating as both Deca and L Arginine can both cause it. Any suggestions and/or critiques?
Super clean diet, watch your e levels, and as you mentioned prolactin as well. Stay in the gym… alot. Watch sodium closely. But that’s just from my personal studies. Someone more experienced than me will help you. Oh and they will want to know about as to why you chose these compounds in this cycle. Maybe @PHD can shine a light here
I know that when I run tren, I’ve got to keep carbs on the lower end and minimum fats. The cleaner I eat, the better I feel/look.
Otherwise I get bloated.
Water retention could be from higher e levels, suppose it depends on how your reacts to the different levels of gear you’re running. Deca is also known to retain water.
What kind of dosages are you running with each?
What’s the cardio look like?
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That’s a stack bro! I wish I could be more help, typically to avoid bloating with nandrolone, I would suggest NPP, however you’ve chosen all long esters so I’m sure you’ve already considered that.
Personally with that stack I’d replace deca with eq. Deca can cause a lot of bloat and water retention. I personally just am not a fan of deca if I use it it’s usually after a show to help
My joints and it’s only 4-6 weeks
Yep. It’s all in the diet. If diet super strict, the same as a precontest diet but with larger portions of food, then you won’t hold enough water to matter. In this pic I was on sustanon, deca, eq, inject adrol, and inject dbol.



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Diet, AI, low dose Winstrol, regardless Deca will blur your lines a little, but it can definitely be kept under control.
True, for no water the only compounds that did that for me was stacking winstrol V(water based inject), with halotestin. That brought out the glute striations.
Just taking those won’t give you striations. You have to work your ass off training and dieting. Halo is really strong and unless people are competing I don’t see any benefit. It’s super toxic and should never be ran more than 3-4 weeks.
You definitely have to diet hard and train hard. To get glute striations I did a lot daily cardio and only ate chicken breasts and rice. No cheat meals the last month before the show. I save halo for the very end. Winstrol is the main AAS. This was in the 90’s. Back then nobody had fat in their diets precontest. I didn’t eat veggies at all back then. A lot has changed in terms of diet over the years.
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