Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain

Blahahaha I wouldn’t have to go far to find the druggies… I could round up a dozen in minutes…a couple hundred in a few days.

Asking for more volume across the board this time to facilitate better pumps
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House going back on market due to buyer pulling out so I’ve been extra busy again this week. Also, getting ready for burn trip today and tomorrow. I am going to extend my cutting period by a week and start this first week of the meso again next week. No further updates until Monday of next week due to be being absent at the burn.
Lighter weight on the iso delt movements…smart man.

Your body will thank you later.

That’s been the key to my shoulder health over the years. Heavy compound movements and light iso movements.

Progress Report​




Some plan deviation during burn set me back a couple weeks, but I’m making up for that quickly. Only two lbs away from goal and 8lbs from stretch goal. I have 4 weeks left, so I think I can make it.

Compliance in cardio/step department has been difficult this week. Work has ramped up due to software release and I’ve been doing my training in the evening instead of during the day. Hopefully this doesn’t last long. I’ve been muddling thru, but I’d really like to get back to doing my training in the morning if work allows.
I’m afraid thise days are over for me. 100% back in the office except for cause. I liked training mid morning… cut out 10:30ish…lift…eat lunch…back to work. These days it’s all 3:30ish…after work.