Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain

I’ve had a lot of success with it so far for sure! When I was with my trainer before that was his style as it is with bodybuilding — AMRAP for most work sets all the time and on my days I did my progressions. So I kinda had a daily undulating intensity going along with my normal intensity, weight and volume progressions. It was brutal and got results.

This is a bit more chillax for the first couple weeks and then weeks 3-5 are really taxing before the deload at the end. I think reasoning goes is that if you look at the way elite athletes train is they peak for events over and over long work cycles. You can’t have your pedal to the metal all the time. The brain and body need some peak times and some odd times.
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Progress Report​



Suffered a bit of a rebound this weekend. Went on a retreat with my other partner and went a bit overboard on food. Plus the stress I’ve been experiencing at work and while trying to get house ready to sell… yeah it wasn’t a great week. But I’m ready to bounce back!

Missed Saturdays workout so that I could spend more time with partner on retreat. Other than that, training-wise it was a good week. I did have to miss cardio a handful of times due to the demands of work/house sale, but I’m not sweating it as the worst of these difficulties should be over for the time being.

Progress Report​




Step counts and training was lax this week due to work deadlines and house sale stuff.

It’s a deload week, so I’m not gonna make a big deal out of it. Next week is a burn that I’m going to, so I will miss 2-3 training sessions. My plan for nutrition during the burn is to bring jerky and protein bars and keep myself on drugs that suppress appetite all weekend long.

Nice rebound on the weight tho. The nutrition is really getting tough on light training days and Sunday because I only get 40-20 net carbs on those days. Nasty.
@Poppy well, good news then! There are local burns throughout the country that don’t require you to pay exorbitant amounts of money to attend nor do you have to drive out to a desert in the middle of Nevada.
I’m so useless and lazy…if it’s not between my house and work (9.8 miles) or between my house and docs (~5 miles) the other way…I’m not attending. Hahaha