Igf1 LR3 mixing advice

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Well-known member
I’m going to buy some igf 1LR3
Probably get flames for not using with a cycle but using for tissue repair prior to a cycle I’m planning. If it’s what it is purported to be I’ll buy more for my cycle.
Anyone have mixing experience? I have bac water … dose and mix advice from anyone that had success is appreciated
Doesn’t shut you down. It’s actually better at driving GH than taking gh. Dollar for dollar better than gh. But it’s know for growing new tissue (hyperplasia). Actually builds new tissue to grow on a cycle as well as without. But I want it mostly for it’s tissue healing power it will heal (allegedly) tendons and ligaments
Hope it’s real but I would just mix enought that 1 unit on insulin would be dose
Other stuff I’ve gotten was real from this company. He was very active in forums a while back. Still is on another forum. Was also very vocal about how easy it is to make for a good lab. On pod casts etc.
I mean, all I can do is try and see if I notice anything…
IGF-1-LR3 works for growth just need to be aware of possible dangers of igf-1 being jacked up for 24 hours after injection. I used it once it feels like insulin. For mixing some people say you need Acetic acid water to keep it from degrading but i just used BAC water and that was fine. 1mL BAC water in a 1mg vial. So on a slin pin, a 10 is 100mcg. I would advise using hgh for tissue repair, and or BPC157, TB500. depending on injury. I liked 100mcg igf-1-lr3 2-3x weekly on my heaviest days. As I am scared of having really high igf-1 for the whole week.
Thanks for your feedback. I read a study last night that hgh alone did near nothing for tissue repair but combined with LR3 it did the best job and close second was LR3 alone.

You’re the first I’ve heard about feeling insulin sensitive on it … the igf does create sensitivity issues but lr3 isn’t supposed to.
Not sure if I can ask where you got your lr3

But if you happen to drop a name randomly in a reply I’d shock out the site.
If you’re guessing the name… I’m guessing it’s not Mr P.

This guy seems to be pretty well know and the name of his company for “research chemicals” has his first and last initial as the first two letters of his company name
No the igf-1-lr3 effects wise seem similar to insulin. example 100mcg igf-1-lr3 seems to inflate muscles similar to insulin. I prefer igf-1-des as it is only acitve a smaller amount of time. TB500 or BPC157 for healing as you can stay on them for many months with little health issues to none.
Done the bpc and really only worked if I stopped lifting
The igf works best with loads… I’ll try to find the research and put the link here
One benefit of not closing pages on my phone… here is the link.

The rats with unloaded hind ends healed poorly at best
Fastest was hgh+LR3
But I can’t afford to buy enough real hgh to make it matter.

I’m excited that igf lr3 is so well at moving glucose into the tissues that it increases fullness so much.

Personally between my tendinitis, ulnar nerve pain and shoulders and knees that sound like weak Velcro I’m feeling even more optimistic about the systemic longer half life version.

I only know of one source that’s supposed to be legit.
Interesting i have never used it for that. Good for me to learn.
Good luck in recovering from all of your injuries.
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