Introduction. 5/29/2020

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Time for an intro. Been a member since Apr. 2019. 39yrs old, 6’4 225. On the end of a “covid cut”. Gyms opening up soon. So ready to blast. BnC 2 yrs. Multiple cycles under belt. Multiple lessons learned (the hard way). Want to thank you guys for this forum and your participation. Always learn something here. Hope to join in on participating and gaining some of your knowledge.
Here’s some of my A.A.S experience. Test of course. Deca,Mast,Tren, Tbol, Dbol. Deca made me breakout to much, great gains tho. Love Mast. Tren ran twice both times TrenE. Made it once 8 wks at 300mg to 500mg. Other time cut short due to overseas trip. Felt toxic at the end of the 8wk run. Got to greedy. Lesson learned. Love the way a simple 600mg Test with makes me feel. Maybe because I eat the whole fucking fridge out in the middle of winter.
That said, got everything dialed in. Diet, blood work, attitude. After doing some research want to run a Tren ace 50mg a day, Test 300mg, Mast 300mg per week cycle. Tren ace because I want the flexibility to go down, or cut out quickly. Only need ai on Test 600mg rarely. Want the Mast for the feels. Hopefully won’t flatten me out to much. Any and all input appreciated.
Also, wanted to give a shout-out to Paramexer. Dudes solid. Last 3 orders have been from him, could not be happier. Hope the Tren’s as smooth as Test E. Thanks guys.

Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around looks like you know your stuff look forward to seeing you in the forums.
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