SB Labs


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I’m in the guard, this was during my off time between drill. I struggle with mental health, I’ve been on meds for a while. It was more physical than anything. My motivation went to 0, and I just needed to go through the motions. It started with resting from a concussion and having to stop working for a week
That makes sense. Would I not make more gains, even if I’m not maximizing my natural ability if I started with gear initially? It’s something I’ve been really excited to do, and it’s a big drive for me to do this.
What type of test? How much, what other compounds should I stack, and what would my PCT look like? I want to go really hard once I start this, regardless of how efficient the cycle will be
I’ve not researched it personally but according to what I’ve heard in conversations and blogs is your first cycle will bring your biggest gains. So why not lump that on top of what you genetically can obtain through diet and sleep. Sleep is huge huge huge. Same time every night and morning if you can.
  1. Welcome.
  2. Good news! You’re a grown up, and you can make your own choices.
  3. There’s zero reason for you to hop on gear at your age. Unless you get labs that say otherwise. Are you prepared financially, mentally, and have the time to be on TRT for life?
  4. This path will affect your mental health, in one direction or another at one time or another. Especially when learning your body.
  5. Eating everything in sight will get you big… and fat. Track your macros.
  6. Use the magnifying glass to find answers to most questions. Read. Learn. Read more. Learn more. Wait. Read. Learn. We will be here to help with questions along the way.
As an older guy who at some point or other has made every mistake in the book, I’m going to add my advice to the chorus here.

First, you need size. So you are absolutely right to focus on eating first and foremost. Combine that with a very simple workout routine, focusing on the compound lifts (bench, dead, squat), and maybe doing the 5x5 routine. Do that and eat right and sleep right for a month. See what your gains are.

Second, the reason people are saying that you don’t need juice at this point is because you likely have it in abundance naturally. Your nuts are pumping out more of it now than they ever will. Natural “juice” is the absolute best when you are young because your body keeps everything in equilibrium and you won’t have problems with spiking estrogen or prolactin, etc. Just do yourself a favor (and make everyone on the board happy) and just try to eat right and workout regularly for a month, then assess your gains. I suspect you will gain 10 lbs. and quite a bit of strength. If so, do it again the next month. Rinse and repeat until you are no longer gaining weight or strength. Then and only then would I even consider exogenous juice. I suspect that will be YEARS from now. But you never know. Everyone is different

Third, when you get to that point–and I can tell from the tenor of your posts that you are going to get there quickly because you have in your head that juice is going to solve a lot of your problems–start with a testosterone-only cycle of, say, 400mg per week, divided into every third day shots or even every other day. Run that for 12 weeks. Continue to eat well, but while on juice, watch your macros, with particular attention to protein. You need about .85 of a gram per pound of body weight (because you don’t need protein for your fat, and given how skinny you are, I suspect you are sitting at 15% body fat at most).

Fourth, before you start, run blood tests for total test, free test, estradiol, prolactin, and LDL/HDL/total cholesterol. You have to have a baseline. Then run those same tests again after the first month of your 12-week cycle and see where you are. Post the results here, and smart mothers like @NeuroRN and @TBU, @Poppy. and @John will give you advice on how to adjust your dosage.

Fifth, do proper PCT at the conclusion of your cycle. Read the posts about proper PCT on this board and ask questions. Nolvadex and HCG are IMHO the compounds you should be using for your PCT. In fact, because HCG helps your nuts to continue pumping out “natural juice” even when you are on exogenous testosterone, it is good to run at a low dose continually throughout your cycle. It also will help you recover faster during PCT. Again, you have a lot of reading and learning to do to get this right. Why is that important? Because if you do not, your nuts will shrink to raisins and MAY NEVER COME BACK, meaning you will be injecting exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life For the old fucks like me on the board, that doesn’t matter; we don’t have that long left anyway! But for a 21-year old, you really do not want that now.

Sixth, don’t get offended by this or the other paternalism being exhibited towards you in this thread. Again, most of us have made mistakes in this area, and those mistakes have come back to haunt many of us. We’re just trying to avoid you making the same error.

Good luck. You came to the right place. This board is full of wisdom, camaraderie, experience, knowledge, and caring. Don’t forsake all of that.
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herrubermensch said:
Sixth, don’t get offended by this or the other paternalism being exhibited towards you in this thread. Again, most of us have made mistakes in this area, and those mistakes have come back to haunt many of us. We’re just trying to avoid you making the same error.
Excellent point.

The only thing about HCG in PCT is it’s also suppressive. On cycle it may be helpful to keep the boys full etc, but it directly stimulates production rather than stimulating FSH and LH which is what is needed to restore natural function.
True. But my original TRT doc, now deceased, was a huge fan of it in decreasing dosages during PCT, combined with very low dose test cyp, which obviously also is suppressive. But by the end of my PCT, the doses were tiny, and it made the final transition to nothing so much easier. Brought my boys back from the dead. I, too, was surprised at his approach, but damn if it didn’t work. Gave me over ten years of normal function with no exogenous juice.

To the OP: This is a perfect example of why you HAVE to listen to the members of this board. We collegially disagree, amplify, contest or support each other’s opinions and recommendations. It provides the perfect basis for you to choose your path, the one that works best for you.
The amount of support I’ve received from this post alone has changed my perception on what I need to do. The idea of getting on gear initially is a huge factor that has motivated me to do this. However, I’m going to stick with the advice y’all are giving me. I’m working on a slideshow for my plan over the next two weeks. Once I have it done, which will be around tomorrow, I’ll send the link. So far, I’ve been doing really good with sleep for the past two days (I know that doesn’t mean shit, but for me, compared to how low I’ve been, this small victory is HUGE), so I’m going to try to stick with the same sleep schedule over the week. I’m also going to track my macros, water intake, and water intake daily. For this week I’m shooting for ~3,000 calories a day. Not even last week, I was physically, so depressed. I went days without eating, and slept most of the day. So 3,000 calories is going to be a great goal to start for me. Next week, I’m going to focus more on my macros, and shoot for around 4-5,000. The week after that, I plan on starting to lift again. I’m going to make a spreadsheet of my routine, and record my progress daily. In terms of diet, next week once I’ve gotten used to eating again, what would you recommend? I’ve been sticking with some quality sirloin I got from a local butcher shop, and adding eggs and veggies mostly, for almost every meal.

I’m blown away by the support I’ve gotten so far, and I look forward to being a part of this community. Thank you so much.
Atta boy. @NeuroRN 's recommendations are great. I also drink egg white cartons and Fair Life protein shakes, but the key is to get as much in the way of whole foods as possible. Chicken breast, steak, and eggs are my staples, along with cups of minute rice and hot sauce or sugar free barbeque sauce. For quick use carbs, you’ll find that boardmembers here are obsessed with PopTarts! Bring on the Tarts!

Keep in mind… you do NOT have to be on gear to participate here. If you make the decision to push off your ped’s and do as advised above with eating and lifting…you can still keep a log here and have our full support.

Truth be told, most of us are on trt more than we’re “on” anyways.

In my opinion… starting a log would be a great idea. Your journey will be interesting and I promise you’ll have stuff to share/teach everyone else.
I also eat a lot of chicken tuna (fish in general) egg whites beef for my protein. I eat ground turkey occasionally when I hate myself.

I get a couple of scoops of protein powder a day but only for convenience or cause.

Oatmeal rice sweet potatoes are good quality sources of carbs. As @NeuroRN stated … at 125 pounds you have some wiggle room. Eat some goodies.
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