SB Labs


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Can you do us a favor and research what gear can do to kids your age long term?

It doesn’t always happen but it is more likely to happen to those that are not disciplined and get the cart ahead of the proverbial wagon.

For your health, future family, and us….I hope you do.
You had me at pop tarts. I’m definitely going to pick up some egg whites as well now. You mentioned fair life protein shakes? I currently use the gnc brand mass gainer. How does that compare? What are the benefits of using one or the other?
I absolutely want to look into both sides before I go into this. Based off of what everyone has said, going natty is the most logical way to go about this. Do you have any good resources I can read or watch about gear as well? If I were to start using gear during these early phases of noobie gains, would I still be able to retain my gains if I decided I didn’t want to do another cycle for a while?
Absolutely, I intend on following through w my plan as stated above. However, my mind is constantly changing. I have so much free time, and I want to dedicate most of it towards lifting. I have nothing holding me back. I do want to learn both sides before I make my choice as to whether or not I want to get on gear. Based on the responses of everyone on this thread, there’s clearly a lot of great information about the benefits of starting natty. It’s undeniably the most logical way to go about it. Regardless, I might choose to get on gear anyways. Tonight I will take a deep dive into some research when I get home. Where would be a good place to start? Everyone has mentioned a low dose of test. Can you send me some good, quality, resources that I can look into tonight? I’m also curious, would I be able to just do one cycle initially, and retain my gains if I decide I want to go natty after that?
It ain’t magic buddy… A good place to start would be a year or more from now after you learn to lift, diet, and sleep the right way.

If you were to hit your physiological peak and could gain no more gains then and only then would I consider it at your age.

Consider joining a CrossFit, meet people and learn about lifting a bit. It’s probably the same cost and better spent.
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I’m going to share some pics of a former member here that has been banned.

He had little to no strength and conditioning background to include weight room etiquette, training protocols, diet protocols, etc etc.

He was about your size but a few years older.

He hopped on testosterone way to early. He logged every step here and was asking the most basic questions and making basic mistakes during both of his cycles much akin to asking which is the brake pedal and which is the gas pedal while he’s flying around the daytona speedway at 200mph.

As you can see he succeeded on making his self fleshy and fat. He got “bigger” and acquired the strength of an average11-12th grade athlete. Who knows what kind of damage he did to his body internally and physically. Time will tell for sure. Lots of the nasties don’t manifest until long down the road.

Don’t be fooled by the outliers on the web (if it’s even true). Very few folks have success at a young age.

You are a grown man serving your country and can make your own decisions and everyone gets that.

Your own words… you’re 125 lbs…lay in bed all day… very little experience in the weight room. Don’t have any idea on what aas to start with or basic weight programs to do.

I’ve blathered enough. Here’s the before/after pics.



Doesn’t seem like he made much progress on the test (no intention on berating him), compared to a lot of transformers I see online. I do understand that those transformations that I normally see, are just not close to the reality of what people normally achieve. Outside of how I feel, and what I think I want to do in the moment, I’ve been eating consistently, sleeping well, and drinking water. I already feel a lot better, mentally and physically. I’ve been eating a lot of steak haha. I’ve reached my goal for this week or simply eating ‘enough’ and of relatively the right things. Next week, I plan on shooting for 4-5,000 calories daily so I can put on some weight. During that week, or the following week, I plan on getting back into the gym. Yesterday a conversation with someone led me to question whether or not I just want to get on juice regardless of the consequences. I hope that I didn’t come across as ignorant, especially after the amount of time many of you have taken to guide me in the right direction. I was simply going through the motions, and my impulsive nature makes it fucking difficult sometimes. This weekend im going to the field, and im glad I started taking care of my body beforehand. These goals have motivated me in a time where I made excuses not to find it.
Maybe try this…. Write your goals down. Make an overarching goal… let’s say… 2 years from now “ I want to be 165 pounds at no more than 15% bf”… I want to wear a size (whatever) tshirt. I want to outgrow my favorite pair of jeans and tshirt.

Then make mini goals….markers that will tell you if you’re on track.

I want to go to the gym 3x a week for the next 90 days. Then it could be another 90 days then another…

In 6 months I want to squat 135 for 20 reps bench 135 for 10 reps… add onto that at the 6 month mark.

Do you see where I’m going with this? Little goals that all add up pointing at an overarching goal…

Maybe then after being consistent for a year or two, you can readdress using gear.

As an old man i get it at your age…2 years is forever but it’s not…I promise you. I’m at the point now time is flying by. Time is constant never faster or slower… the difference is in an individual’s mindset. I wished I had realized this at your age. I pissed away a lot of time and opportunities in my youth.
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