Is naps having problems?


I couldn’t be happier with naps right now. I’ve been reading alot about how bad there doing. I had a small issue and it was just solved within a week. I was worried that they might not be on top of there game anymore thats complete bullshit and I invite anyone who would like to discuss this. Its not threatening in any way I really would really like to discuss what problems are guys having because so far I havent been able to find anyone who has a real fight with naps. There might be some shipping issues this isnt shipping issues happen.The situation was handled through the ticket system completely professional.
I really believe that its the way that you approach the problem that you’re having if you’re a complete asshole to naps you are most likely going to be treated that way back. I just put in a ticket and waited patiently not writing a ticket everyday and yelling at them through it.The order is being delivered i don’t think that it will take long either. Thats something else without saying any locations. There are locations that take longer than others so research where your gear is coming from and how long shipping takes from that region.
Thanks naps always been the best for me keep up the great work I wont forget everything over the years you have done to keep me a very happy customer.