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Is your gym closing?

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While I was driving to the gym this morning listening to the radio I heard that there is a second wave coming of a gym closings has anyone heard of this happening in their area that’s gonna suck if the gym closes door in the Winter especially in the area that Amen as it’s been hard to acquire weights as it is and the cold weather is in friendly when trying to actually do calisthenics outside so just curious to hear what the masses have to say hope everyone has a wonderful Friday hope everyone got that workout in and is healthy and safe have a great week and gentlemen and ladies if you run this let me know if the gym is gonna continue opening in your area and what methods you’ve applied to have hin place un case the gym closes again
Gyms in Iowa are still open, but they were also one of the first businesses our cunt, I mean Governor, closed… we’re also bouncing back and forth from 2-4 inside the top 5 states with daily increase, so it wouldn’t shock me if she closes them again.
I’m in Oregon. We’ve been lucky as a state compared to others but I predict they’re going to possibly shut it all down again since we’re trending upward in cases. Hoping not to have to resort to home workouts. I got one 35lb kettlebell and a few bands, that’s it
Here at maine it’s all closed except some hotel/convention center but it’s really not a convention center to me. But yeah this hotel has a decent size gym I jusssst found. Free weights squat rack everything . But only allow 10 people at a time. I’m might have to start going to college here because they have a nice gym for faculty and students only closed to public. Shoot ill learn extra for the gym… two tears in a bucket.
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I read a study of around 3,000 gyms and they concluded gyms do not spread Covid-19. I forget which organization did the testing.
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