John..remember these days...adrenaline on the you miss it?

There’s been two intimidating people in my life…these dudes actually made me think.

My series/company commander in boot camp. He stood before us after pt one day. Took his shirt off and was a complete stud. He showed us all his scars from vietnam and how he requested to go back every time because he was a Marine and Marines never quit.

The second was a retired SF Col running the fwd observer school at bragg. I was sent there for school. He was telling us about his long range missions in vietnam and how he used to get bad letters from his wife and he would get mad and go out on mission kill a bunch of people and feel better. He rotated home and got in fights with his wife… he said he would drive around looking for someone to kill. He said luckily his common sense prevented him from doing so but he would volunteer for every rotation back in country.

Two crazy dudes.

One more story. My dad came home from his second tour in vietnam… mom was cheating on him… he was cheating on her… he hopped the first flight back to vietnam. Got severely wounded enough to retire him as a staff sgt. To this day he still stands by his decision.