Joint pain preventing heavy lifts

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I have pretty bad elbow and shoulder pain preventing me from heavy lifts. I already take supplements for it which simply dont help enough.
I am considering taking 200mg Deca a week for this problem.
Will this help at all? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!
There’s another thread going that I started if you look for it we’re talking about the same thing. Also from what I’ve read and my plan is to do this. but I won’t be lifting heavy. Deca helps the pain by masking it. If you don’t allow yourself to heal and you just lift heavy. You risk making the problem worse when you come off deca and you’ll be in even more pain. I’ll tag you in the post I made
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Have you gone to ortho yet? There might be something ugly going on.
Does just taking Advil and Tylenol everyday to continue to do the thing that’s hurting you make any sense?


Neither does taking deca mask joint pain to keep lifting. It’s the same concept.

Deca will do nothing to help your joints. It will just aid the pain and you still have the underlying issue causing the pain. You will continue to degrade whatever is causing the pain but it will be masked by the deca.
I thought deca actually increased joint lubricity? If this were true you would think that would help reduce joint damage. I have also heard it only masks the pain so it all confusing to me lol.
It’s only masking the pain it it doing nothing to fix the underlying cause.
Got to the doc, get some images taken then we can figure out course of action to fix. Blindly throwing darts is no plan.
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