SB Labs

July 6th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was chobani,plain bagel,R1 shake blended with chia seeds,fresh pineapple,water, immediately followed by inserting my manhood into my wife great way to start the day.No work since it rained last night.Gonna do back or chest later not sure yet.Today I am grateful for my supportive family,a roof over my head and all the calories I want.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Normal grub today.
Little chest/shoulder/ lat later.
Had 2 technical rescues yesterday at work.
Some lady got run over by a city bus and trapped under the axle.
Another idiot fell of the train platform under the train.
Can’t fix stupid
Snack before I go do chest- 1 bagel with homemade strawberry jam,I chobani,1 R1 “Garbage Shake” blended with 1 table spoon Avacado oil,2 table spoons of PB,1 raw egg.
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