Just had a gym conversation

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Two dudes mid to early 20s damn decent gains, the black 1 wants and could get on stage right now. Hes got killer genetics. Anyway i started the conversation about gear use w him and so far hes natural but wants to try something and i asked him what and both tell me you can buy superdrol at like gnc or some shit, they also said dbol?
I geuss its just a picture of how people really dont know shit about gear and can get fucked up. I mean maybe you @John can remember when superdrol was a pro hormone, and over the counter but anyway we started talking about shots and administration and they were like hell no thats 2 much. Which further pointed out how people think orals are safer. All in all just a reminder how lucky we are to have a place to learn not to kill ourselves this place is awesome
I started my AAS adventure with nothing but shitty info. I asked a lot of questions but I wasn’t getting great answers. I tried to research for myself but was not nearly as successful as I would have liked. The guys that got me set up never even uttered the words “post cycle therapy”. I still have a lot to learn. Best thing that ever happened to me as far as training and supplements was clicking on the link for this message board on Flash’s site. Just dumb luck that I came across this community.
It amazes me how people are still making bad choices with all the whole bunch of info you can find online. I guess they get bored reading.
Reality is people seldom do research so it doesn’t mater what info is available. Most people I know just ask there friends when they don’t have there own knowledge. It’s perpetual cycle unfortunately lol
I’m not sure what they have at gnc now days but at my local shop they have some pretty legit pro hormones available. Main one is black stone labs. You definitely need a proper pct for them that’s for sure and they get your aggressive as fuck just like being on tren . It’s sad these kids don’t do the proper research before hand and like others said take a oral instead thinking it’s better . Hey we all have to learn some how lol
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