Just joined to ask this, need some help with RAD 140 solubility


So I tried to use a 1% benzyl alcohol, 20% benzyl benzoate and GSO formula for my RAD 140. I got a gram of powder, to 40 mL. So 25 mg/mL. But no matter how much I swirl or heat, I cannot get this to dissolve. Still a layer of powder that sinks. And I’m really intent on doing this subcutaneously, but it looks like the only thing I could use to dissolve the rest of this at the dose I need would be DMSO. I don’t know how DMSO and BA/BB would react if I were to inject it. But at the same time, I can’t exactly choose to just take this orally to avoid that BECAUSE of the BA/BB in it. What do I do, is this wasted? Or would something lke PG work well if I mix with the oil?
Thanks guys. I figured I’d google “best steroid forums” to get this question out there and this was one of the first that came up, so here I am haha.
Well sense we got a top ranking the best answer I can give you and not a good one is that it’s already already done brother.
I would though visit basskilller and see what it says on therd site were not really about sarms or brewing. Come on bank anytime though everyone is welcome you should write up a. Introduction
Too late for that. I’ve already been using SARMs and at this point I prefer them. No shutdown and almost none of the side effects of steroids, with ALMOST the same gains when injected. I was just looking for some reinforcement on my PEG-400 hypothesis, it’s already known to be safely injected subcutaneously, as is BA/BB so I can’t see a reason why this wouldn’t work. But I was hoping someone would be able to just let me know I was on the right track before I order it.
You can talk about sarms here but the majority of members go with proven over the years aas. Sarms all you hear is about cancrr and jaundice and that really worries me I just want to see everyone be safe brother thats all were about here Harm Reduction.

Welcome to ugmuscle brother I hope that you still write an introduction
Welcome- i hate to tell you but,
have wasted your resources trying to compound a product that is only intended for oral application.

Also, if you do intend to administer via IM procedure. Im sure you are aware to have Rocephin on hand for something this dangerous. All the best!

Hey brother. Sarms can shutdown your test depending on your dosage. Not trying to sell
You anything here bro. Just being real. No long term SARMs users out there to truly know any long term negative side effects.

Best of luck!!!
No, I’m going for subcutaneous. I hate IM injections. And I have already used injectable SARMs (they are much MUCH better than oral). There are a couple (very reputable) companies that already sell them ready to inject. But yes you can’t inject just any oral solution, I made this from raw powder.
Appreciate the concern man, but personally I’ve never heard of them being any more live toxic than AAS, nor have I heard of anything regarding cancer outside of a concern for it’s potential to cause it somewhere down the line. And I will get around to making an intro sometime soon, I’m not one to stay on forums but this would be a useful place to get familiar with.
The reason you don’t hear any of that is because you don’t have all the years of research behind a SARM like you do AAS. Wait 20 years and you’ll be seeing a lot more issues with guys who used strictly SARMs. I can’t think I of the one that’s supposed to help with oxygen utilization and increased cardio ability, MK some bullshit numbers, but I beleive that one is already being linked to cancer iirc… either way it’s a double edged sword, but at least with AAS you have everything at your fingertips knowledge wise…