Just joined to ask this, need some help with RAD 140 solubility

I’m curious. You said you have done AAS cycles? I would like to know what you have done. I can tell you this much. If you have been on a solid cycle with good product, you would never compare the 2. And SARMS are not in any way on the same playing field as AAS. Like comparing Pop Warner football to the NFL. I’ve done SARMS, found them a waste of money and time. But there are those that think they are the greatest. Until they run a on point cycle.
This is just to everyone out there, I’m still getting used to the format of this site. But people keep telling me “you don’t use SARMs that way” “they’re nowhere near as good as AAS” but I’m being told this only by people who have never tried them, or only tried them orally. I will say it for the last time, I have done both, and injectable SARMs (at least ones like ostarine or RAD 140, probably YK 11) are as close to AAS as you can get, unless we’re talking about something like Tren or maybe the original Superdrol, and I’m talking of lean gains, not pounds added from water weight. I’ve homebrewed my own Tprop and Tren from the old synovex and finaplex carts, done it with other raw powders. I know the process, it just happens to be that SARMs aren’t soluble in oil to the degree that many AAS are, nor water like some AAS are. I see no reason this couldn’t work if some PEG 400 was enough to dissolve the remainder, because I have the anti-bacterial solvents, the syringe filters, heat sterilization etc. I’m probably just going to end up doing it since I just ordered the PEG 400 last night anyway for another use. ORAL solution SARM’s are not meant to be taken via injection. RAW powders absolutely can be made into an injectable solution, which a couple companies do sell ready made.

And to the comment about injectable Dbol. That isn’t the same, it gets more potent when it passes through the liver.

Even if I don’t stick around to post right now, I will definitely report back my results if I end up using this vial. I mean I’ll still read around the site, I’m just not much of a poster.

But why do people keep telling “bye” like I’m offending them? Lol.
It’s the way you came off. Your title says just joined to ask this. Everyone here loves to help and answer questions. Everyone also likes to see an introduction age, height, weight, experience, and so on. The intro helps to answer some questions you may have. Very few on here use SARM’s. I myself have given them a thought but never used them just because I couldn’t find much info. You sound like you’ve done a lot of trial and error with them. Join the community. Write up an actual intro. You’ll like it here.
Ok, fair point. I wasn’t really saying it quite like you guys took it though, I don’t think, it was just a way to try to get across the urgency of the question I guess. You can see I don’t get message board etiquette. Just for a quick basic intro then I guess. Age: 28 Height: 5’10. Weight: 240 @ 20%. I’ve gotten a bit out of shape the last year or so for reasons that are not ENTIRELY my fault, and been kinda stuck between wanting to cut some fat or just get back some muscle I had lost. Also another reason why I wanted to use something less hormonal, I’m a little too fat to want to do AAS right now haha.
I literally said “they are as close to AAS as you can get WHEN INJECTED, MINUS things like Tren.” I’m not sure how you could get “they are better than AAS” from anything I have said here, other than misconstruing my reasoning for just preferring to use them this time. Either way, I don’t need to convince you, I’m not here for that. I was asking a question, not trying to convert people lol.
I trust that I can find some other great info on this site but I don’t see myself getting an answer to this question here and I don’t want to just continue using this thread to go back and forth about why I want to do it in the first place so I’m gonna end this thread here. Thanks for the concern those of you who showed it.
Well it sure came off that way. Maybe should have started with an intro. Then get into what you want to ask. Kinda why you got the answers you did. Just Kinda struck a few in a way of telling not asking. sort of tone.
I just wanted to let you guys know how I feel about SARMS. Its all unproven garbage and I just won’t take my health and just throw it up in the air when you have so many different compounds that are proven to build massive amounts of muscle and we know all the side effects so that we can control them and we have all the research and know how to do things correctly or safely. Most SARMS are dangerous and longterm effects are completely unknown.

