Just joined to ask this, need some help with RAD 140 solubility

You’re thinking of Cardarine, which is said to possibly cause cancer at prolonged high doses. Another study showed that it does not cause cancer, and has potentially cancer fighting properties at shorter more reasonably dosed cycles. I love Cardarine too lol. But really I’m not here to be told not to use them, it’s too late for that, already on them. Like I said, I appreciate the concern but it’s not going to sway me. If I could just hear back from anyone that’s ever subQ’ed anything with PEG 400 that would at least help me make up my mind on what to do next.
Well howdy partner what brings you round these parts. Its hard for us to want to invest our time into someone whose not planning on sticking around. 😉 You seem like you got it figured out. If at some point you plan to come to the dark side you know where to find us… Hahaha (deep evil laugh)
Have a buddy who is about to do his first SARM cycle so I have been helping him do research. They sound alright. He’s been doing PH for years and desperately wants to to do AAS but he’s got a needle phobia… I can’t wrap my head around choosing Sarms over aas. What side effect are you worried about? They can basically all be managed or avoided by choosing the right compounds to fit your goals. from what I learned about RAD140 sounds like poor mans anavar. But do your thing.
I feel you guys are under the impression that I’ve never done AAS. I have plenty of times. I’m tellin you guys, SARMs are a totally different thing when they’re injected. Oral is not the way to do them. I have already done this before and the results are VERY close to actual AAS. Only reason I’m posting is because this is the first time I attempted to home brew some myself. But personally I don’t get the acne, my test only gets a bit suppressed towards the end of a cycle, never shut down, so it’s much easier to bounce back. I just don’t feel like messing with my hormones the way AAS does, I’m not just some newb going for SARMs over AAS because they’re more easily obtainable or something, I have experience with both and I am just choosing SARMs now.
Sorry you didn’t find what you are looking for. As I said not many sarms guys or home brew guys.

A word of caution: optumpharma has proven himself to be extremely knowledgeable, as well as willing to bend over backwards to help his clients and members of this board reach their goals. If he is telling you to abandon your quest… I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would oppose his advice.
@NeuroRN I second this. If he is saying the risk especially isn’t worth the reward or the way you’re trying to make it will fail and you need an infection drug on hand I would listen. He is a source that cares about health brother. No need to damage yourself.

And another thing if you have done injectable SARMs just order them again so you at least have someone that knows how to make them make them.
Look Brother!! Like @Bigmurph said this place is all about harm reduction. We are not trying to make you feel like a newbie. We are just giving you good information from trusted sources and experience. I personally don’t have a lot of experience myself just a lot of research but there are guys here have been in the game 20 plus years. Sounds like your mind is made up and that’s fine. What you do affects you not me or anyone else here. Stick around brother. Do your SARMs thing. Still a whole lot of help here with diet and exercise experience that you could benefit from. Plus a lot of good encouragement and accountability here on reaching your goals !!
@Dirtnasty yep, that’s the one. @Scd804 I see SARMS as the pro hormones and pro steroids of today. I remember 20 years ago when everyone was going crazy or Andro, 15 years ago when they were all going crazy over M1T, Epistane, Mass Tabs 10 years ago when it was Tren Extreme… my point being, all that shit was the best thing since sliced bread, until everyone figured out that it was all methylated and had to make MULTIPLE passes through your liver to become useful. Case in point Cardarine, you have research showing both ways, that juice to me isn’t worth the squeeze… especially when I’m already exposed to all kinds of happy shit that causes cancer in my job being a steam fitter
The DMSO question you asked have seen that with orals before so I’m assuming you plan to try that with what you have mixed up it will take whatever you put in it and absorb it so theoretically it would work I have seen it work can’t say what reaction. You will have just be safe about it small amounts t rest it see what happens
Thank you all for the kind words. But, people dont seem to understand why something is a oral/injectable is due to the mocules structure. The liver plays a vital role in the break down of the hormone and how and what metabolites are created.

This is why i have a hard stace about injectable orals is due to the methylation and the break down and how the body will use it.

This is how back in the early 90’s through 2000’s you had pro hormones cause if tested in raw form it was nothing but when consumed and processed by the liver the human body made it an anabolic property.

If its meant to be oral take it oraly if it is injectable take it as such. All the best.
This definitely makes me want to rethink taking injectable Dbol or Sdrol now, because I don’t need safety issues, and if they’re not doing what they do via the original oral version, then I am probably wasting my time.