Just joined to ask this, need some help with RAD 140 solubility

No, you know I’ve used both the Dbol and Sdrol inject, and have gotten awesome pumps @John I was just thinking based on what was said by OP about orals meant to be orals shouldn’t really be injected, and I know he knows his stuff, so it just kind of tripped me up to not want to keep injecting orals.
Yeah big murphs right, I’ll stick with something that’s tried and true and been around for awhile, less risk and we know what side effects to expect. We were saying bye bcz we thought bigswole scared you off haha jk no bro mossy1985 nailed it he’s got excellent communication skills. You seem fairly intelligent man you should definitely let us know how that works for you brother. I like chemistry stuff myself but some things I think are best to keep simple but it sounds like you got some money invested in solvents ECT. You could just plug it like bigswole does. KiSS
At the end of the day, all of us here are taking risks. Whether he chooses to associate those with something newer and less tested or not, that’s on him. No one person reacts exactly the same as the next with any of these compounds whether AAS or SARMs. Besides sometimes we have to learn the hard way.
Am I not wrong here that sarms were made just to be able to sneak around current laws because they are legal due to the fact they are new? Maybe one day they will be the new thing. Steroids have evolved over the years I dont see why sarms can’t do the same. I just don’t think they are there yet when we are old maybe then but why not just spend your money and get the real deal I’m all about most money most product most results How much you got invested in this current run ?
And they weren’t MADE for that reason, but that is sort of what happened. They aren’t legal for human consumption though. The first ones were made in the '40s.
I’ll just say that if I were working a job that paid $20 an hour, I’d have to work about 6 hours to afford everything involved. So not a whole lot. I don’t know if I’m even allowed to say that either though.