SB Labs

Keep Your Strength And Retain Muscle Mass As You Age. Introduction

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Staff member
Military Vet
This is going to be a muliti-part article on how to prepare for the long game and adjust your training for your “golden” years so you can still be that old dude that the younger bucks will take a second look at and ALL the ladies will think “hmmmm that old gray fox has got to belong to someone…”

The article will in no way be absolute. There’s only one absolute on this rock and that’s death…period. It will be a culmination of things that have worked for me and others I know. There will also be information from my readings.

Stay tuned for part one coming soon to your beloved UGM forum.
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Also 36 and I’m just trying for make better decisions each passim year. I know I’ll still make some bad ones but if they get less and less year by year eventullay I’ll only make a a few 100 a year not each day hahah
Like Saturday night I went to chicks place to hang out with. Her and a guy who wants her. So I wait till he went to bed to bang her. Bad and good decision there.
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