SB Labs

Kidney support


Active member
Do you guys recommend taking a kidney support supplement? Attached is my latest bloodwork. I’m on test, npp and Eq. I’ll be adding anavar in a few weeks.


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I’m an advanced age lifter with several “problems”… diabetes and some decreased renal function.

Mister @NeuroRN has guided me through some life changing decisions/supplements.

Glutathione and telmisartan are two of them I’ll probably be on the rest of my life.

Glutathione is very inexpensive and injects extremely easy.

Telmisartan is very cheap also…with insurance.

I have a lot more stuff to do on this rock and need to be a 100% me.
One more thing. I’m on basic hrt of 125mg of cyp e3d… dailyish cialis and proviron 8 weeks on with a break of about 8 weeks off.

My point is I’m not on anything exotic or fancy.
The doc will give it to you if your bp is high and you ask for it. . If it’s not high take some dbol before your appointment. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
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I ordered defend by huge nutrition. It’s supposedly the best organ supplement. I’ll let u guys know if it helps my liver and kidney numbers after my next bloodwork.
You can get all of those ingredients, in higher dosage and larger quantity individually for a little bit more.

You will need to add taurine for the tudca to do it’s job.
I was not correct in this, so excellent post to revive. UDCA as a stand alone product needs Taurine to be used by the body. TUDCA as a supplement doesn’t need additional taurine for the supplement to be useful.

To be honest every enhanced athlete needs to be supplementing with taurine at a minimum of 4-5 grams in my opinion.

TUDCA should be used at 2 grams to reap maximum benefit in my opinion.

For kidney support, astragalus root is the move. Vitamin Shoppe brand actually has quite a bit of labs backing up its ability to improve renal function as it enhances renal blood flow to the nephrons.