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Kinda looks like the country is over it

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Arbeit Macht Frei’: Nazi Slogans Show Up at Illinois Rally Protesting Coronavirus Lockdown​

Woman photographed carrying the sign at a rally against the policies of Illinois’ governor, who is Jewish

Allison Kaplan Sommer


The use of an infamous Nazi slogan featured on the gates of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps in an Illinois protest against coronavirus pandemic shutdowns, along with other Nazi imagery, has sparked widespread condemnation.

The phrase “Arbeit Macht Frei” was photographed Friday on a sign at the “Re-open Illinois” demonstration and posted on Twitter. The woman carrying the sign was wearing an American flag face mask and, according to the tweet, denied being a Nazi, asserting that she has “Jewish friends.” Also new York Michigan cali. And others. These seem to be gathering momentum. Appears to be a high speed come apart 🤔 just Google the word protests…
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I’ve noticed that there are more and more people out despite the stay at home orders. When it first took effect it was like a ghost town when I went to work, now that the weather is nicer, people are everywhere.
Nobody works where I’m located. All I see all day is joggers, people walking their dogs, riding bikes. All wearing masks and scared shitless if you get within 6 feet of them. Liberal, subservient pussyville here. Meanwhile, in other states, crowds are carrying assault rifles heading to take on the man. I swear if I didn’t still training my ass off I’d lose it. I have all this anger inside over this political scam. I love the weather and the women in California, otherwise it’s straight up cuckville, libtard, zero ability to think without the help of fake news, beta male bitchland!
I’d put money on it the gyms won’t open until September here.
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I’m having trouble with it to, but going back to the field tomorrow. Stir fucking crazy
Two months ago if you wore a mask you were a mass shooter now they everywhere on everyone. People here have gone not give a fuck and came out before the shelter in place lifted I think that’s why they lifted it cause it wasn’t working and they would look stupid it’s bout 50/50 here with masks but some people will run from you if you get close then stand in line to check out 2 inches away
I live rural and was just out and only me and the seniors are wearing masks.

Everyone where I am is a hard core Republican and I believe that there not wearing masks because they don’t really believe in the virus being as dangerous as it really is I wear a mask for sure and I won’t touch anything that isn’t mine. Even though im pretty sure I already had the virus and now hopefully am immune.
I just needed to add to this that im not Jewish but I very much dislike nazism. My grandfather and many others had to travel to Europe to destroy nazism. So I believe that anyone using this to promote anything should be made to realize that they would be speaking German right now and be treated like slaves if the greatest generation didn’t risk everything to rid the earth of nazi’s.
You want to be racist fine that’s your freedom but why use a swastika or anything else related to the nazi’s.
I heavily disagree with promoting them in anyway.
Thanks @John ! I’m just saying that human nature is coming out of people all over the country. No the nazi thing was unnecessary and so is the confederate flag waving up north. But people seem to want to take there chances and live by God! That other agenda is just outta place. Oh yeah… can yall believe there are colleges that try and teach that the holocaust didn’t happen wtf
I agree. I think the idea here was to promote the left and Democrats in the state as Nazis. And why they used the Concentration camp phrase. Not very well thought out I agree, but I feel the media would rather label anyone right of center a nazi or white supremacy type person. Anyone voicing an opinion should be allowed. But this day and age it does seem like a form of fascism. Label those that are not in your mind set. And yell them down. I find that any time I try to explain my beliefs to liberals, theses words label me. Racist. Misogynist. Homophob. Bigot. Just because I have an opinion different than you and you cannot defend yours, doesn’t mean shouting and name calling and you win. You don’t know me nor I you. But I would not call you a fascist… (even though that is your tactics. 😂)
I’m so tired of the crazy divisions- so if I believe in protection for the environment I’m a lib-tard socialist and if someone supports our current Prez then they are a racist, homophobic, misogynist.

What happened to being a free thinking American who can form opinions other than what Fox and CNN tell Me…?
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I agree, if people don’t like your opinion, they just resort to name calling. I have a lot of views both democrats and Republicans don’t like, I like to call my views the constitution, but neither party really follows it anymore🤪
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