Leo and longevity great advice for Bodybuilders


Well-known member
He talks about many topics important to bodybuilders such as how kidneys are damaged, and how eating all the time like a bodybuilder is bad for people. I recommend that if you take steroids recreationally that you should watch a couple of his videos atleast the ones on kidneys, and how you should probably take an ARB which is a blood pressure med. Take a look at his youtube I hope you enjoy. Watch his informative videos, not his podcasts I find them boring as they are just for building his channel not useful information.


Just a bit on this type of medication and the side effects and the interactions with other medications should always be looked at I almost died because my doc gave me a bp medication that made my blood oxygen levels drop so much I was told that if I hadn’t have come to the ER I would have passed in my sleep so take medications lightly just like we don’t take using AAS lightly

Good luck and good gains