Little update

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
What up UG? Haven’t done an update in a minute due to pulling my ham about 6 weeks ago. Seems to be all better now. I’ve been running only trt doses since my last show.

I’ve been running @Omegaman gear and have been very happy. My current stack is cyp at 200mg a week and 400mg primoE, 10mg Nolvadex every other day , 10mg cialis everyday and 4iu gh post workout. Still holding 237.

Get blood work done again Monday. Becauxe the dumb asses didn’t test my test levels so now have to go again. 🤬🤬🤬



Looking good my man! Haven’t heard much about primo E but I know people like Dan the bodybuilder in Thailand thinks you have to run at least a gram to get benefits from it. Do you use enanthate just for less frequent injections or personal preference?
Dan the body builder in Thailand is about as smart as my shoe.

We have multiple studies showing muscle growth on as low as 100mg of primo a week.
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@Future_ifbb_pro14900 if you look back at previous posts here it’s a heavily talked about drug. Everyone here loves it. And I don’t think I’d get my gear advice from a guy that calls himself Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand lol they are known for ladyboys not bodybuilders lol

My theory is 400mg works just fine for me why would I go to 1000mg. Even Jordan Peter’s doesn’t recommend doses that high.

Be on look out I’ll do a product of the week highlight soon.
Hmmm I love them all but I love doing Bulgarian drop set of death from meadows as a finisher. Probably my favorite compound movement is leg press.
PHD said:
Bulgarian drop set of death from meadows
I’ve seen him on video at elite doing those years ago. I rotate them in and out regularly to this day.
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