SB Labs

Log attempt #47653

There’s science behind that…you have been at altitude long enough where as your body can process oxygen (or lack of) very efficiently. Youll be superman down here at the flatlands!!!
Work this weekend. Samo samo.

Kicking out early Tuesday for some back range camping. Gonna hit up Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, then over to crested butte, stop in Leadville on the way home.

Good week of hiking at 8,000-11,000 feet coming up!
In the past 7 days ive hiked almost 40 miles, rode my bike for 30+ miles, and averaged 14,000 steps at work this weekend… @kits4less BPC and GH putting in absolute work. No nagging aches or pains, and great sleep. I don’t think I’ve been able to say that in a long time.
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22 min bike ride to the gym.

Pull day.

22 min bike ride back to the house.

210 of test a week. 2 iu GH a day. 100mg glutathione EOD. 250 mcg bpc 1-2x a day.

Starting feel the effects of test being down this low after using 350-420 for so long. Drawing labs next week probably.