SB Labs

Log attempt #47653

I don’t know John. I’m used to writing nursing notes, they are short and to the point. Been primarily writing that way for too long!
I go back and look at some shit i wrote down in logs,with all sorts of numbers,and measurements written down,days on days off,food numbers,and i cant read half of it
Haha same. My handwriting is awful. I gave up on handwriting my logs, and then I don’t remember what I was I trying to say on my logs here clearly.
My handwriting is so bad I can’t read it and it’s the only thing they have to tell me
To improve at work because
It can makes audits hard. They literally got differentl pens because of me as well
Will be checking labs soon. When all comes back normal I’m thinking of changing up my juice.

Ride my bike 45 min immediately after work.

Cream of rice and 6 eggs after.

Slept great.

Push day:
KB deficit pushups x 4
KB close grip pushups x3
Pec Dec x 4
HS decline x 3
HS incline x 3

Super set
A: long head tri x 4
B: cable lateral raise x 4

A: short head tri x4
B: cable lateral raise x 4 more

KB high pulls.
Through the weekend trained push pull, rode my bike immediately after work which helped with sleep quite a bit.

Taking today off for labs tomorrow.

Still deciding what the game plan is for when things come back and I’m satisfied… but I’ve got a few days to decide.
I’m all for it. I’ve recently been making more of an effort to do it. My fasting glucose is in the 60-70’s so it’s not something I really ever made an effort to do, but I think for most people it’s the best option for fat loss.