SB Labs

Log attempt #47653

I’m guessing that’s it. I also just started using it to track training. Had a garmin for years and it died so maybe it’s still adjusting to me.
Reworking my split as the fixie crushes my legs haha I’ve historically been quad dominant and caused knee problems so will most like split push and pull and add in hamstrings and glutes on those days.

Today is push.

Hip mobility
Spine mobility
Hip flexor stretch… and stretch and stretch.

Incline bench x 4
Pec dec x 4
Dips x 5

Cable tri’s long and short head x 5,5

Lateral raise x 5
KB lateral raise x 3

Kb Halo x 4
I can definitely tell a difference in sleep quality. Hard to say BF wise, as I’ve increased cardio a good bit but definitely leaner. My knees feel great for basically doing legs everyday on the bike.

2iu is doing exactly what I want. Better sleep quality and seeming better recovery. Blood glucose is high than normal but for me that means in the 80’s-90’s which means I’m not going hypoglycemic so I’m not mad about it.

On the days I use 3iu I can hardly keep my eyes open. I may look into using a secretagogue and hgh, I’m interested if there’s any data out there. Ipamorelin at night. Hgh in the am. Ipamorelin doesn’t elevate prolactin is why I’m interested in the thought process.
Wife and I used Garmin’s for over a decade+ and we both just switched to Apple Watches about 3 months ago, so I know the learning curve you’re talking about. All of these damn watches almost don’t many things and I just don’t care to take the time to learn all of the bells and whistles, so likely a waste of money in the long run to even have a smart watch for my ass.
Hahaha I definitely don’t need a watch that does everything this Apple Watch does. So I’ll just stick to using what I know it does!
I had my best results taking Ipamorelin in conjunction 1295 with regard to no side effects while stimulating the GH pathways. I didn’t feel a big difference, and concluded it’s probably just a “finisher”.

PEG MGF is what my doc suggested trying durning my last visit for recovery purposes. I have not run it yet.
I’ve used ipamorelin in the past and felt like I slept very well using it. Is 1295 what makes it longer acting? I can’t remember.

Paddle boarding at 8,000 ft elevation. Good day on the water. Very quiet.