Looking for advice on latest cycle

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Hi guys looking for a little input on my latest cycle, ran many cycles in the past and looking back now they certainly weren’t the smartest of cycles, I was young and took nobody’s advice. Now Im mature enough to realise I want all the advice I can get!! I am 31, 5"10 85kg and approx 20% bodyfat.

I do trt now as like I said my previous cycles were not smart at all and I have never fully recovered properly…

My latest course looks like this…

0.25ml (100mg) test400 subcutaneously eod (400mg per 8 days)

0.5ml (100mg) equipoise200 intramuscular every 4 days (200mg per 8 days)

250iu hcg subcutaneously every 4 days

0.5mg anastrozole every 4 days

I know this is a pretty light course and I’m completely happy with that. I usually run 100mg test eod as my trt (I know this is high for trt but it makes me feel so damn good) along with hcg @ 250iu every 4th day and anastrozole @ 0.5mg every 4th day. My question is more about the hcg and anastrozole, do these amounts seem ok? Should I be running more hcg? Also is this a pretty normal amount for the anastrozole? The reason I do everything in 4 day blocks instead of the usual “per week” dosage is to try and maintain more even levels of whatever compounds it is I’m taking. Also am I right in thinking that because I run trt all year round there is no reason for a pct after I finish my eq? (Forgot to mention I only plan to run the eq for 12 weeks then resume my usual test/hcg/anastrozole dosages) is there anything obvious that I’m missing out on here? I really am a firm believer that steady levels and smaller more frequent test shots help a lot with estrogenic sides (in my case anyway)

Any input is greatly appreciated and thanks for reading guys! 😁
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Thanks for the Input i really appreciate it!

Yeah I plan to have bloods taken covering all hormones cholesterol etc in the next week or 2, unfortunately I dont really know what to look out for in my results, hopefully my doctor can point out any highs or lows in my levels and help correct them.

In terms of the eq I know this is a really really low dose but my main aim is to use it to help burn off the excess fat around my belly area while keeping my muscle from deteriorating.
Also I am lead to believe it doesnt come with very harsh estrogenic sides which I am VERY sensitive too. Gyno in particular!!

Even at the dose of anastrozole mentioned I still have that itchy/irritated feeling in my nipples…
Would upping my dose to 2mg per 400mg test be the right thing to do until these symptoms disappear?

In terms of the hcg Is taking 500iu every 4th day ok or will that cause fluctuations in my levels?

Thanks again for your input man really appreciate it
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Welcome to UGMuscle! Your going to want to take anastrozole eod. Every 4 days will not keep blood levels stable. Also consider letro, if your already experiencing gyno it may work better for you than arimidex. If your just wanting eq to lose weight you should drop it, it won’t help you lose weight, your test will keep you from losing muscle mass while you drop weight.
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Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! That makes much more sense to take anastrozole eod, the reason I take it every 4th day is my pills are 1mg so I can half them, breaking them into quarters would be near impossible for me.
Is 0.5mg anastrozole eod too high a dose? I have heard Letro can help more than anything with gyno, what dose would you recommend? Like I said before I am so sensitive to estrogenic sides it’s crazy!

So the eq really is just a waste of time and an extra non needed strain on my body at those doses then? I do want to lose the extra weight I have and just thought it would help keep the lean muscle and maybe even build a bit while I do a bit of a diet, obviously everyone wants to be that bit bigger and stronger so maybe I should obtain some more eq and run a higher dose for 12 weeks while I attack the extra fat around my gut…? What dose would you guys recommend I run the eq at for 12 weeks alongside the 400mg test?
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Honestly brother, if I were you, I would run maybe 250mg/wk test only. Get blood work done, that’s the most important thing! After that run a low does test for a while, get your E2 in check. That dose of test will preserve your muscle while you lose your weight. I know it’s not the advice you want hear, I’m in the same boat. I put on 50 lbs last year after my kid was born, I’m itching to start a cycle, but I’ve got another 20lbs to go before I start. I’m on 125mg/wk test and I don’t think I’ve lost much lean mass. Get small, then get big…
Im guessing that your trt is self prescribed?

I just assume that you would ask your doctor about the adex and hcg if it was prescribed by a doc.
I believe that the eq at 200mgs is not going to work for the goals you are trying to achieve.
If you want to keep muscle mass while losing weight testosterone is all you will need to accomplish this goal.
I believe also that frequent dosing will keep your levels more stable and that will help with side effects and hormone roller coaster effects as I call it.
I think that your doses are good as long as your adex is controlling your estrogen levels and you will need bloodwork to stay on top of that part.
I wouldn’t use the eq actually you can get great gains including weight loss.
I would say to keep yourself as hydrated as possible and keep your diet on point meaning cheat meals once in awhile but count your macros and stick with a clean diet. If your really wanting to drop weight then run a bit of a deficit in calories and keep your protein high fats moderate and carbs on the lower end.
Its really all about diet and training. The supplements are just supplements.

Good luck and good gains brother looking forward to hearing about your experience
Sorry for late reply guys it’s been a long ass day!
Yes your right no Doctor self prescribed you could say… Doctors in my local gp seem to be useless on this subject and really not too interested in helping me in terms of trt.

Ok so I’m quite convinced now that im running my test too high, gonna run it at 250mg/wk and see how I feel on that.
I think because I’ve ran my doses at 800mg/wk before I’m constantly chasing that crazy high confidence and sense of amazing well being, I really hope I still feel good on a lower dose because in all honestly since I started running 400mg/wk the difference has been like night and day in terms of self esteem, energy, sex drive, mental state and overall well being, I feel amazing right now!!
I dont really know what to do about the eq, there is every possibility I am just convincing myself it will be beneficial because I have it lying about and dont want to waste it!
I want to stay as stable as possible in every way I can so eod for the anastrozole sounds good to me but is 0.5mg eod a little too high a dose? Can anyone recommend another form of ai that I can use and isn’t as harsh on my estrogen levels like anastrozole is? I have heard tamoxifen may be a more suitable alternative for me?

Diet is in good order just now yeah I have a little cheat here and there but I would say 90% of my diet is clean and that’s a lot for me so I’m pretty happy with that side of things.

When is the best time to have my bloods taken? Before pin or right after pin? Should I cut the anastrozole before having any bloods taken aswell?? Tha is for the help guys really appreciate it, all the best!!
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