March 17th diets and lifting

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Hi all,breakfast was 4 eggs over easy, 3 toast,4 turkey 🦃 sausage,fruit salad,coffee water.I am not lifting,yesterday I moved a lotta stone from my front yard to the woods,from shovel to wheel barrel,and now from the middle of my back to under my left shoulder blade hurts,as in it hurts to breath in to hard,it hurts laying down,standing up,any movement causes at least a little bit of pain,I have a relatively high tolerance for pain,and I hate to think I’m being a fuckin ninny,suck it the fuck up right John,but really it hurts.maybe I’ve pulled something,not sure I’ve never felt like I’m feeling today. Anyways im Goin to smoke a joint,Hope everyone has a productive day.
Well feeling better or not,I gotta work Friday n Saturday bball last game tomorrow night…I call my wife a ninny sometimes
Bro. That is a getting old pain. I know it all too well. Hurts right behind shoulder blade and up through the neck. Only cure is to get wifey Pooh to massage it and not call her a ninny lol.
Do you believe in chiropractors? Might have a rib out of place. Try the free consult. They will look at it and tell you if it’s a joint problem. 😁
My wife n dad swear by it,however I don’t like people in my personal space in public,so for me to go to chiropractor is a big deal,I know it seems miniscule to most,maybe some day,but I doubt it
Although my dad n I do work for a local chiropractor painting her house office and shit,she’s always saying come see me Johnny we’ll get you straightened out,ha ha no fuckin way,the drugs will straighten me out not her.
I have been going for a few years once a week. Neck, lower back and shoulders. I feel 💯 better. It’s like 15 min. Might give it a go. It’s worth the personal space interlude for that 15 min. I’m a lot looser and mobile than ever before.
I go to a chiropractor about once a month maybe 8 weeks unless I get injured. @TBU is spot on…it’ll make you feel much better.

For the record @John im a lot like you especially adjusting my neck… dude has to take a little longer sweet talking me so I’ll loosen up to let him do what needs to be done. The outcome is always great…pain free and much more comfortable. I’m about an inch taller the next day haha.
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