SB Labs

Masteron VS Proviron, similarities and differences

Is there even another sponsor here that can legitimately match his quality, price, and presentation? Like honestly asking because unless I’ve over looked it I can’t see one.
I said I’m honestly asking I mean you can triggered if you want it can only go that way if you’re looking for it to.
I didn’t get anything off provi. Yeah sex drive was good but so was Mast.
I prefer Mast way more over provi.
Provi was terrible for drying out my skin and making it all ashy and flaky.
Honestly I love Optum and he helped me out with my first cycle but all our sponsors are top knotch but I haven’t developed an emotional attachment to any one of them lol, and honestly we don’t know what he’s doing and it’s really none of our business, if he’s not responding then it’s just time to move on playa. 😉
Y’all are taking what I said out of context I apologized previously if it came off bad and stated I didn’t mean it that way so the constant smart remarks are just getting petty
I rejoined the party after most of that was said, so my bad for the constant remarks.