May 24th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Morning all.I stopped my cycle,I been struggling lately with my headspace,it sucks I was only like 40 days in,but I felt it best to do so.Anyways,breakfast was 2 oikos, banana,plain bagel,3 HB eggs no yolk.Workin by myself today,my pops is goin to get his test pellets in his ass cheek and he will be sore for a day or two.Dont think I’m gonna lift later.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
It is good to see you back. Sucks to hear about the cycle but by the sounds of it a wise move.

2 waffles and egg whites pwo then trained back and bis. Having a protein shake with frozen fruit now and 2 eggs on toast in a little bit.
Cream of rice protein powder and an apple hit arms and shoulders today. Gonna have my post workout cream of rice after cardio. After someone brought up dates I’ve been having 2 or 3 after the lift between cardio and my post workout. Saw them at Costco and figured I’d join the journey
Good call bud. Take it slow.
Just ate a 1lb potato w/ ground turkey and veggies. Holy shit am I full
Arms later
You know you best brother. Glad your doing what’s best for you.

Today same as yesterday and same as tomorrow. Lean protein healthy fats and moderate carbs. Today is chest and triceps day
Great to hear your good man, coming back from my trip.

Waffles, eggs & coffee. Lunch chicken & rice.

Training chest, Tris & abs later today
Right move I dropped tren 3 weeks from meet cuase ky head was ducked. What good does muscles do if the brain isn’t working right
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