Me Again, This is my exact Diet and Training Spreedsheet

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Well-known member
I made an Introduction post already, we talked more about hormones but I wanted to also have a thread just about my Training and Diet to critique. So, I have already made some diet adjustments from some feedback. fat from 40grams to 80grams. Without further a due here are the links to my google spreadsheets.

I have another post just like this but it won’t let me post the links in the comments or edit and put them back in the post. So, I’m reposting it.


RP is excellent for for gettin you to a good place in your fitness. Excellent for losing weight and staring to bulk. Like I said I used them for many years.

Don’t be surprised if you have to leave them behind in the future. But for now their 6 day split looks good.
  • Consider adding 20-40 minutes of walking (“Pace w/ Purpose”) twice a day if you have time.
    Morning and Evening.
  • Consider active recover on your off day (i.e. yoga or stretching program) if time permits.
  • Fat seems high and Carbs a touch high but I’m no Macro guru and don’t know how active you are so grain of salt w/ that advice
*You should have a few basic supplements to add if cost permits
  • Magnesium (before and after hard sweating workouts)
  • Omega 3 fish oils
  • Resveratrol
  • Vitamin D
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My opinion I believe your carbs are high also. Especially cutting.

Of course I’m looking at it from an advanced age lifter with typ2 beetes.

A high day for me is ~160…average is ~140 maybe lower.
Thanks!!! I try to walk 10 mins after each meal when time allows for nutrient partitioning. And I do hit cardio for 15 mins on the attack bike the days I have time.

I’ll start adding more active recovery when I can, I like playing racket ball on my off day so ill and some stretching after that!

I had my fats at 40grams but got told I should up them for my hormones so I did, ill stick with the high fat for no and see how I feel.

And as far as supplements I take everything(and a am/pm multi vitamin) but Resveratrol. Never heard of it, ill look it up.

Thank you for your time! I appreciate it.
Thanks! I have done both Keto and low carb and did not like the feel of it. I lost weight doing both, but I have noticed I feel stronger and perform better on higher ish carbs. I do plan on if the weight stops going down (which I don’t think it will for a while with my calories at 2300) to pull out some carbs.
Poppy when he was my age.

I have no clue how many honeslty I don’t even know an to track what I’m eating as it will just look horrible. Only. 5 more weeks
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