SB Labs

Metabolic Circuit That I Use

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We used to do a similar version of that in the Army. Gym Jones came out to train and they used a 6 exercise version. 6 reps, 6 exercises, 6 sets. Absolutely brutal. Saw guys do it with 135# on the bar.

I tend to taper up starting at 65, 75, 85, …. Until I can’t finish.

We would do DL, BOR, FS, PP, BS, and Pull Ups typically.

Going light for 3 sets is also a fantastic warm up!
I would not recommend that amount of volume for a “finisher” when I program a complex it is the main portion of the session. One huge reason just based upon the complex you provided is it is very posterior chain intensive so let’s say you’ve just trained legs then you want to “finish” with that, huge mistake. Injury waiting to happen
I completely agree. I can’t imagine doing it after any of my training. That’s just me though.
I’ve used one with straight bands and it was a little more forgiving.
This just one version I happen to like. There’s an endless amount out there or make your own.
I’m doing less lifts and linger breaks now powerlifting baby. I’m can’t I’m on my third set of squats I started at 12 yesterday
I mean I feel rested by 7 minutes but yiu really got to make sure that cns is ready to go so why rush it
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