Mossy's Esquel Labs Mass Stack Log

Probably going to hate myself tomorrow but my legs feel like they’re ready for bigger jogging pants.
Squats 3×5
Hack Squats 2×12
Leg Extensions 2×20
Deadlift 3×8
Lying Leg Curl 2×15
Standing Calve Raise 3×25
Leg Press 1×15, 2×20, and 3×25
I am guessing this will be your official Esquel Labs cycle & training log on this training section of board?? Is this where I should post, too??

I will be starting mine as soon as I get back from vacay, but honestly wanted to try and push it to start toward end of January. I’ll start slow first two weeks and go from there.
Ha, you know me Poppy! I meant post my own log on this section of the forum and not on Mossy’s, or in a different preferred section under cycle’s versus training??
I’m a goober! Hahaha

I’m not sure if @TG has something in mind. Members logs would be my first guess.
Members logs is fine. The other section is more for if you’re doing an indepth log that you’re going to post daily. More accountability and more private due to that fact.
Copy that! Haven’t done a log in fricken forever. Mainly because I’m lazy at posting things and I used to always get way too in depth with things not needed. They kicked me, so I owe it to them to get a pretty decent training & dosing log going. Maybe even throw in some daily calories/macros, but I am super burning and rotate the same 4 meal preps throughout the week, because it’s easy to track.

Will post and start it soon once back in town from some holiday time off.
Wednesday was my rest and recharge evening. Went to bed a little after 8 and was up feeling brand new yesterday about 4:30. Second injection of the Mass Stack before crashing out. Still no pip or any issues with the high mg/ml. Yesterday’s training was back and shoulders.
Seated Row 3×15, 1×20
T-Bar Row 1×20, 1×25
Lat Pulldown 1×15, 1×20
Shoulder Press 2×15, 1×20
Upright Row 2×15, 1×12
Lateral Raises 2×12, 1×15
Shrugs 2×20, 1×25
Legs was still a little tired and sore yesterday. Didn’t hit them as hard as Tuesday. Plus I had to pack for another storm trip. We’re leaving out this morning for Connecticut. Last night was
Squats 3×5
Leg Press 2×25
Leg Extensions 3×15
Lying Leg Curl 3×12
Holy smokes. Connecticut is a long ways away.

We’re having storms push through today and early next week that’s supposed to end up… up there.
I just got back from Massachusetts before Christmas. That was a drive. I reckon it’s supposed to start snowing up there tonight and snow through Monday. It’s rained/sprinkled all day.