SB Labs

Motivation for some

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Once upon about 3 years ago, I found this place. I came in close to 335lbs of super chunk. I was reading postings and listening to podcasts (Mark Bells power project) and I was inspired to change. Like a work horse I could deadlift heavy, squat heavy, and had a nice bench. I had the power but not the look I wanted. There maybe still some posts where I attempted DNP and as I updated about it, it was failing for me. It probably wasn’t even the smartest thing for me to try. I did end up finding some success though, I had set a goal for myself that if I could get down to 250lbs I would take my first cycle. I succeeded, it was even that difficult. Wake up eat breakfast (A combination of a dozen eggs, 1lb of bacon, some ground sausage, salt/pepper, butter and cheese) I didn’t demolish it in one sitting I had it baked and I could eat 25% of that each morning. Go to work and sometimes eat lunch if I brought it. Dinner however was either a ribeye or two that were thick cut, maybe a full rack of ribs, sometimes a lean ground beef meatloaf with sugar free ketchup to eat over a few days, or some dry seasoned Buffalo wings. High as fuck on protein and I was strict on what I ate not how much I ate. I dropped the weight in about 3-4 months 85lbs. So I allowed myself to try my first and only cycle. I wasn’t disappointed, it was a learning experience. I had taken 200mg test cyp twice a week, for several weeks and I mixed in some tren mid cycle. I don’t know in which way the majority of adverse reactions work, for me… I ended up dropping to 210-215lbs. I had a vein popping out my bicep, my forearms, calves, legs, and hands had nice juicy veins. I was happy with the world, I felt unstoppable. I became a leader in so many ways, I was able to carry the weight of the world with no problem. It had pros and cons in the bedroom. It was worse than puberty. I was banging it out a lot. So much so that I’d have bruises and my member would look like he went twelve rounds with tyson. I promise no STD’s had come about. I as I had several times throughout my life when I was in shape basically had a stable of women I could call when in need. This time just way more intense with full blown weekend sessions. I ended up married, still am. I let her in on what was going on and she wasn’t to pleased. So I never made an attempt at a second go around. I put some of the weight back on, probably hovering near 275-285. Thank you pandemic!!! I’m posting today, which means I’m contemplating again. I’m leaning towards yes. The question is the source. I had some pictures I was going to add with the progress I had before, but maybe another time. Hope all is well, be safe.
Rereading this… how old are you? Trt could be a possibility if your t is tanked. You’re probably a big guy by nature…my son in law is the same. Just a big dude but his bf gets out of control occasionally and he has to buckle down to lose a little.

How old?
  1. Two step children, not under the same roof. I travel all over and a lot, 4-5 locations in the past 4 months. Stopped paying attention to the food. I know what I need and end up with whatever the wife feels like having. Never ran labs, been looking into it recently. I don’t like the idea something scary might show up lol. I was talking with the misses because we met during “the run” and she wasn’t thrilled about what I was doing, part of the reason I never ran again. Over the past couple of weeks I informed her, this isn’t me, I’m not me right now. For over a year after the last run I was still hiking, going to the beach often, and non stop being outdoors. Stayed in real good shape, high energy. Covid happened, everything closed. I still worked, my job never stops but there just wasn’t shit to do. Now most of everything is normal and I don’t spend much time out in the world. Work, clean, cook, and laziness. I’m at a location, that I should be at for nearly a year unless something changes. There’s a gym nearby with strength training, boxing, and MMA. I’m interested, not motivated. I need to cancel my other gym membership and all the damn TV app subscriptions. Tired and stressed especially the past two months. Silver lining as many people I’ve been around that had covid some of them several times and being in crowds of people, I haven’t even got the sniffles from the shit. I’ve been in the middle of protests, a riot(not a looter), crowded boxing events, etc… etc…
Definitely get labs. If your lacking motivation could very well be low test. Especially if you took Tren. Sometimes test won’t bounce back well from Tren especially if you didn’t pct properly and checked labs to see if more pct was needed.

Also eating shitty will lower test. Drinking alcohol will really lower test. Best thing you can do is get labs done. Get a CMP a male hormone and lipids. Now you know what you need to know to lead you in the direction of having a healthy happy life
That’s good. Well hopefully you can figure this thing out and move forward. It took me 43 years to get off that roller coaster and finally concede to a life style change. The biggest thing I struggle with that effs up my gains is alcohol. Although I have been abstaining from it now 100 percent for past couple months and it’s been great. We are in your corner bro!!
What’s a good spot for these labs? I was also curious about this because between 19-21 I took a lot of test boosters from GNC… wondering if that may have fucked my shit up early… increase 100lbs in bench within 3 weeks seemed worth it then. Probably messed up my baby gravy lol
I get mine from my primary doc. Don’t know what your relationship is with your doctor but I can be pretty upfront with mine.

If you haven’t done any bloodwork in a while you can just tell her/him that you want to know where your health is at in these areas so you can start making lifestyle changes if necessary.

Do you have a primary?
First of all, let me say wow, 335 to 210 is an amazing drop. I bet you were jacked as Hell at that low weight!

Second, you gotta get labs. In most states, you can order them online, with no doc involved: If you are in a crazy state that requires a doc to order labs, just travel to a neighboring state that doesn’t require that and use a friend’s address. Such a stupid fucking requirement…

Third, those labs may very well be scary, but you gotta have the courage to see what’s going on if you are ever going to have any hope of getting where you want to be. I’m a car guy, so I analogize it this way: We have dozens of sensors on every engine, ranging from air temperature, to coolant temperature, to fuel pressure, to oil pressure, to air/oxygen ratio, and so on. Those sensors are critical for understanding your engine’s health and diagnosing any problem. Lab tests play the same role with humans, but we regularly refuse to use the “sensors” to determine our body’s health. Dont make that mistake. Get the labs and dig into them. Get on this board an ask questions. We have medical professionals who freely give of their time and advice, such as @NeuroRN. Once you get into it, labs are actually pretty interesting and really do provide a clear pathway to what you need to accomplish your goals and to be healthy.

Fourth, you obviously have some enviable genetics. Don’t waste them, brother. I’m 56 and have multiple joint problems and very much rue the fact I didn’t take advantage of some decent genetics when I had the opportunity and now have to use quite a bit of AAS to do much of anything.

Finally, get your wife on board. There are plenty of studies showing how heart-healthy TRT is. The old nonsense about it making your prostate grow or increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke have been dispositively disproven. Talk openly with her about how this is GOOD for you and that being back at 275-285 is NOT.

Just my $.02. Good luck.
Lots of TRT clinics around now. Mark Bell talks about one specific I cannot recall the name. There is a good one by me called Dynamic Health. I believe they are nation wide. Core medical is another. Both are 100% legit with real American doctors, PA’s, and clinicians.
And I have no affiliation with either. Lol
I use one and it is very easy. I get labs drawn whenever I want , usually 4x per year. They fill all my TRT scripts as needed. Never a hassle
Reading your posts,it seems now you’ve had a positive change, atleast compared to how you were a few years ago…distinctly remember people warning you about DNP…
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