SB Labs

My BF% Guestimate From The Pro’s

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I honestly never thought I’d google “shaved bear”…but here were are.

Your abs and obliques are showing. I had a seven point caliper test done and they checked each spot three time at the end of the contest I was in last summer and it said I came out at 13.7 bf. Your leaner then I was. I’d say either I need to find a new resource to get checked or your lower then 13.

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I ain’t leaner than that brother. I’m sticking with ~15% probably more than less.
I think you are your biggest critic brother. Which is good and bad. Could be the opposite. Could be like one of those obese mofos with fake lats and fat arms walking around the gym flexing in the mirrors thinking they are they sexiest person in there. Lmao. I guess your better off at your end of the spectrum
Ya I was always doubting that when I’ve seen pics of other guys talking about their bf. Well it’s good to know the truth so I don’t go around looking like a fool. Oh. And you don’t have to say sorry. I hate when people tickle my ears with bs.
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I’ll probably never have veins on my quads because I’m just plain lazy. Having that level of bf while retaining muscle takes lots and lots of hard work.
I’m am absolutely no expert but a fella can’t have any muffin top cake and visible abs to get to 15 or lower.
Work work work brother. It’s counting how many slices of whole grain bread a week not more than 5…1 tablespoon of this 1 tablespoon of that. Counting every blessed thing you put in your mouth.
Basically. 😂🤣

I’m finally able to go back to work now. Covid has my sinuses draining 24/7. Which sucks when you have to talk to people for a living.
And a cough that won’t stop.

Been out of the gym about three weeks now.
And I stopped all gear too. Just didn’t feel like pinning while sick.
Monday I start back at it. 500mg test C and 400 mg Tren E. And my cutting phase diet and workouts.
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