Nebido (testosterone undecanoate)
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity low
Nebido® is an injectable steroid that contains testosterone undecanoate, a very slow-acting ester of testosterone. This is the active drug that is used in Andriol, but in that case it is part of an oral medication, not an injectable. Nebido is being marketed as a replacement for established
injectable testosterone products like Delatestryl®, Depo-Testosterone®, and Sustanon®, which are actually much faster acting in comparison. It is designed to offer a much less frequent injection schedule, and, therefore, much greater comfort for the patient. Nebido is a drug developed under a similar focus as testosterone buciclate, which is another very slow-acting injectable ester of testosterone.
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity low
Nebido® is an injectable steroid that contains testosterone undecanoate, a very slow-acting ester of testosterone. This is the active drug that is used in Andriol, but in that case it is part of an oral medication, not an injectable. Nebido is being marketed as a replacement for established
injectable testosterone products like Delatestryl®, Depo-Testosterone®, and Sustanon®, which are actually much faster acting in comparison. It is designed to offer a much less frequent injection schedule, and, therefore, much greater comfort for the patient. Nebido is a drug developed under a similar focus as testosterone buciclate, which is another very slow-acting injectable ester of testosterone.