Need 2 testosterone cyp testers to do blood work

Poppy said:
When I came in at 800, my doc threatened to stop my trt.
That’s utterly ridiculous. Mine required that mine be cut back when I came in at 2000, saying 1200 would be perfect for a guy like me. Time to get a different doc!

Oh, and I’d happy to be a guinea pig, since I’m just doing TRT-level stuff right now anyway.
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I get my trt script thru my urologist and he has absolutely no clue on any of it…BUT… he just kites a script for 5 months at a time with a requirement of annual bloods. Insurance picks up most of it.

Oh and he lets me take it home from pharmacy. First doc was going to make me come to office every two weeks for one 200mg injection. REALLY?
~800 is not too high and in good range, IMO. @Poppy Especially of you feel great on what you’re dialed in at. I guess I’m spoiled down here with all of these Concierge providers, because they even prescribe Deca, Winny, and Var.

There’s no one around here that I’m aware of that provides anywhere near that kind of service.
Yeah, they do all of the peptides, HGH (unaffordable), supplements, cosmetics (aesthetics), as well as the ones I mentioned koi. They’re pricier than what we have acquired services from at other places, but it is pharmaceutical grade and certified. I don’t use them for everything, but at least the option is there.

Was thinking about adding one of the peptides my provider told me about that has good success close to HGH, Ibutamoren.
I received my Test C today. I will see how soon I can get in for bloodwork. And I’ll make my appointment. Will start next Monday do to work schedule this week and not knowing yet when I can get in to see doctor.