Need 2 testosterone cyp testers to do blood work

Received my batch of Flash’s Test Cyp today! Will start Monday. I have been at true TRT levels of test for a few months now, so I’m ready to kick it back into gear, and this will be a great means of doing so. I will run 125mg EOD (437.5mg per week) with nothing else for two weeks, then get bloods drawn and post the results. Once the two weeks is over, I will likely continue to run the test cyp at 125mg EOD, but add 100mg of Mast Prop, 100mg of Tren Ace, and 50mg of NPP EOD. Have Adex and Dostinex on hand.
Yeah, I have a tiny bit of historical gyno in my left tit, along with naturally puffy nips, so when progesterone rears its ugly head, I know instantly. So far, the caber/dostinex has done the trick and has the side benefit of making me really horny and hard! But I may have to explore prami on this run. The only reason I’m running the NPP is for joints; it really does do a tremendous job, even at pretty low levels, of lubricating those fuckers and making me feel MUCH better.
So I’m about to do my third 250mg shot of Flash’s test cyp today, and I gotta say, I already feel amazing. I have adjusted to TRT levels of test for the past few months, and man, the difference after kicking things up is stark. I feel better, I’m sharper, I’m already back to my previous work set weights (i.e., not warmup at the beginning of an exercise and not AMRAP at the end of an exercise), and my endurance has increased noticeably. My body just loves high test levels, still under 1G per week, but not far from it (875mg/week). Currently clocking in at 217 lbs. and looking to stay under 220 lbs. while gaining muscle, so that when I cut to 210, I’ll hit my 10%bf goal. So far so good. Will start a separate log shortly!
Thanks for the review. You don’t even need to wait 2 weeks to get the blood draw bro . That’s how confident I am. Go a head and schedule the blood work . I’d use labcorp. Cause if you do it with your doctor he /she will chew your ass out . HRT guys actually get mad because the gear is over dosed . Titration is key. My gear can be used for HRT just adjust to your needs. I make it strong to avoid drama . And not to be some cheap ass. Happy Thanksgiving fellas