SB Labs

Need input and testers for additional platform


Staff member
Hey guys. Looking for a couple people to test some things out with me on a possible new addition to doing things here.

Please have android or ios and some time to play around with it. @UGMain

@Bigmurph @PHD @Fitraver
I would like to help Tren, but I’m terrible at that stuff, I couldn’t even crop my own face out, it took me forever to figure out tuturial, and I constantly hit wrong buttons, to sum it up, I’m worthless on computers/technology
Hey guys. So as @Bigmurph and @PHD saw what I’m working with is more of a chat board style application. But with encryption built in and you can opt for encryption between messages or within sensitive rooms.

To make this happen right it’ll cost me quite a bit but this would be for the protection of members communications and posting. For example. No email would be required for signing up just a username. There will be no online site for the system. Strictly off the main web where Google couldn’t crawl or no one could access your photos.

Each source gets a room. Then thru the app will be rooms for different topics. Some encrypted. Some not. So say a source room would be encrypted within the room. A general section wouldn’t be. All functions working and mobile. Later would implement and app for windows rather then online login.

My thoughts behind this is to make it as simple as possible with the highest security as possible. And knowing anything posted is private to members. If you post a pic you don’t have to worry about Google images finding it later or crawling it. Can get more direct info from other topics as well.

Let me know if you guys are for this. Since it will cost me quite a bit on the apps.

I am interested, but how would you go about fees and such? If I chipped in and someone else didn’t would they have the same security? And how would I know that to begin with? Would you guys need us to rejoin the forum/chat room with new, but less info?
No I’m not going to charge members. Everyone will have the same security. I just don’t want to pay 10 thousand out of my own pocket for the additional development I need and no one uses it lol.
This sounds pretty cool bro. More security is always better. What about people without mobile? Assuming there still are some.
That will be a desktop application and I can possibly implement that over TOR for more obscurity. But will be later down the road.

Right now I’m working on the android beta and then if interest see about ios. Then desktop.

My proposal wil not just be pushed here for this forum. But will allow other forums to create a community within it also. So imagine an app like tapatalk where you can go between communities and forward/share info between if they are using unencrypted rooms.
The main part of this is keeping everything into an encrypted server platform. Where the data would be held encrypted on the server. Tor wouldn’t allow this and many ways to scan it. Plus on mobile its too slow and too many people don’t understand vpns or encryption.

Now it’s no secret already the LE has been known to watch forums and that services like forum runner and tapatalk just aren’t secure. And if your not using a VPN always then your service provider can see your traffic.

The best solution is make everything as simple and easy as always for everyone. Take it off the web and strictly client side. Where the server has encrypted info not viewable over the internet.

Telegram app became extremely popular because of groups on telegram. Slack has built their whole business on this for developers.

I think for bodybuilding this works perfect so long as the groups are easy to get to and join.

We’ve had a few members on here that have posted photos of themselves revealing their info or too much info about themselves. For some it’s OK, for others it’s not. Also the hassles of getting throw away emails, etc for registration.

The new laws being proposed and expansion of govt powers makes me think that in the future having a secure off line so to speak communication app that is focused on security and privacy will be the safest way to go. No tracking. No emails registered. Just a name and password on the server. Client side keys control info. Etc.

Now what I’m doing is a modification over existing work that is proven and has more funds and developers to maintain. Then from there will make it easier on my side to work with.

But I’m not just limiting for say just UGM. From the app I can allow other forums to use the community and admin their own sections. All users can see all communities and decide which rooms to join. And say you have a sponsor that wants to a private room fully encrypted they can. Where they can decide to make it private or public. Invite only etc.

Let’s say sponsor a has a room. I ask to join he can approve or reject. Now I want to post something but only want certain people seeing my posts. I can approve which people can see and which won’t. Also if someone new joins the encrypted room they won’t be able to see what was posted prior.
Honestly didn’t see it that way but ur right simple,easy, secure. Only thing I’d be worried about is ppl posting cp and illicit drugs over the same network. As we all know if someone tries hard enough and has the funds they can break through security. Anyway just my opinion good luck on it. @TG