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SB Labs

New cycle starting later this week


Active member
So I just had a meeting with my coach and thought I would share what I will be doing.

1000mg/wk test prop
300mg/wk tren ace
100mg/day of anadrol
4iu HGH/day pre-workout (pharma grade zomacton)
Caber as needed
Arimidex as needed

So my goal is weight gain, I’m one of those that has terrible trouble putting on weight. So I am going to be eating 4000 calories a day (some of it has to be dirty) I will be eating some sort of glucose based sugar pre-workout and using a sugary drink (gatoraid) during workout. All the sugar so that it gives me the fuel to get though the workout without my liver breaking down muscle tissue to provide what is needed. Oh and I get to eat a bowl of ice cream every night!!

I know it’s a large cycle and I will pay attention to my body as to what it is telling me. But I seem to handle things pretty well, I’ve run 1000mg test a couple of times and I love it.
You got it written up correctly so I imagine that you definitely know what your doing because AI and dop intag are as needed which is perfect.
1000mg of prop you gotta have levels that are actually level im just curious what’s your pinning schedule just on the testosterone propionate?
Its gotta be a pain getting a gram of prop into you plus the other compounds.

Do you pulse your adrol of just blast your liver and it hates you lol just playing but honestly brother how do you control the toxicity off 100mg of adrol unless pulsing or just using for a couple weeks?

Pack down the food that’s the most important part for you brother. The diet is everything and if you’re a hard gainer than definitely go dirty and just pack it down just try to stay away from fast food and processed except cheats there’s still alot of great fast food choices but not the really bad ones im sure you know the difference.

I would slam a soda before you walk in and take your hgh also you can drink your Gatorade also hit the weights. Finish your meals get those macros and cals down and then get plenty of rest.
Your going to grow like a beast curious what macros you shoot for?
My plan on the prop is going to be daily 150mg (I’ll do one day a week at 100mg) I’ll do the tren ace MWF @100mg. As for the blasting of my liver, yeah that’s kind of what I will do 😉 I’ll take some thistle or tudca to help if I get a little toxic. I’ll run the anadrol for a month and see how I’m feeling at that point. My liver is pretty hardy I ran Dbol for 16 weeks (one of my first cycles) and didn’t have issues until right at the end, got lethargic and had terrible acid reflux. But it’s all an experiment to see how each of our bodies respond, right? And this experimentation is fun!

Right now I’m not paying much attention to the macros a ton, just my total caloric intake, but of course more grams of protein and carbs is my goal. I’ve done the macros counting in the past and it seems to mess me up a bit because instead of just eating I’m trying to count grams…when I just need to EAT🤣
Dodgeball76 said:
As for the blasting of my liver, yeah that’s kind of what I will do 😉 I’ll take some thistle or tudca
So I can help you a bit with this you can pulse the adrol make sure you split your doses mourn and pwo and run it two weeks at a time. Then two weeks off plus use tudca and taurine together there supposed to result in ursuric acid which helps clear the toxicity and help with cholesterol. The trick is taking them together to basically get a precursor for UDCA.

This is an option but please atleast split your doses because good adrol at 100mg should be crazy toxic it should honestly make you hurt in your kidney area and it could definitely cause long term damage. Im all about Harm Reduction so im just letting you know but im curious to hear about your gains.
That’s a great dosing schedule for the test prop your going to stay nice and level your going to have a great cycle just becareful not to go to far to fast
Dodgeball76 said:
Right now I’m not paying much attention to the macros a ton,
Super important unless you know that your passing atleast 300g a day of protein without any powder.
If you’re achieving this then I guess you do you but best is to know where your at atleast here and there to make sure that you are getting enough especially if you’re a hard gainer brother
I’m for sure going to split the dosage of the anadrol. I don’t want to harm myself either, believe me😜 and I’ll pay close attention to how I feel, I don’t mind adjusting midcycle if something is wrong or not feeling right. My goal is to feel good and look good!
Sounds like you got this brother do you plan on keeping a members log?
You can just post updates but id love to see beginning pics then hear your transformation happen then see end results.
I would definitely be interested and following
Goal is to look awesome and feel awesome…lol no but really I am currently sitting between 170-175lbs and I want to be 190lbs of lean muscle mass. When I started my journey I was 150lbs and no muscle for the most part. I’ve come a long way but have kinda hit that plateau at 175 and can’t seem to eclipse it. So I’m going all in this cycle and going to make the gains!
10-4 I understand it.

You gonna keep a log? It would be interesting to say the least.

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